American consumers are more informed than ever before. And they’re more driven to adopt healthier lifestyles. They’re looking for your products… the question is, are your products reaching them?

To get your products in front of the people who need them, a targeted and comprehensive integrated marketing strategy is essential to build brand awareness and establish trust with consumers.

Our nutraceutical marketing plans include:

  • Analyzing data such as demographics, location, and industry trends to determine who your audience is and what they want
  • Using SEO for specific keywords that improve online rankings for those seeking information about preventative health and products associated with physiological benefits

  • Identifying digital channels to target and connect the correct audience to the right product

  • Building brand awareness by creating informative messaging that educates with new and granular information to consumers, intent on improving and maintaining health

  • Cultivating consumer relationships across digital channels with interactive content about healthcare topics and trends

  • Transactional meta data analysis and reporting

Integrated marketing is an accountable, time-tested approach to getting a response from your best prospects. At CDMG, we’ve mastered the process, having developed more than 1,000+ integrated marketing campaigns with high-level strategy and measurable results.