To plan for your marketing, knowing economic reality and trends is critical to planning your marketing.

But don’t believe “official” declarations.

The media and politicians called the latest jobs report a “blockbuster.”

The US economy added 303,000 jobs for the month of March, while the unemployment rate fell slightly to 3.8%, according to a new report from the Federal Government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

But what is said doesn’t match what the data says.

Now, the latest inflation report is out…

and they call it a great report…

But all it shows is inflation is increasing.

Here are 8 things you should know about the economy, job growth, inflation, and why the report and hype are deceptive.

1) Government jobs, not productive jobs, are being created

Most of the 303,000 jobs created in March were part-time jobs or government jobs—about half of new payroll jobs are government and tax-supported jobs.

The gains in jobs were as follows:

  • Healthcare and social assistance with 81,300 new jobs- mostly tax-supported
  • Government with 71,000 new jobs

That’s the bad news. 152,000 taxpayer-supported jobs, not a booming economy.

But there was some good news:

  • Leisure and hospitality with 49,000 new jobs… but these are low-pay jobs.

And manufacturing? Almost nothing.

2) We are all now poorer– Drop of 5% in real wages

Wages rose only 0.3% for the month and 4.1% from a year ago… below the inflation rate, meaning people lose money daily.

Since 2021, if workers have not had an 18% increase in salary or retirement money, they have lost money and are poorer.

In fact, the average hourly earnings for all employees dropped 2.5%. In 3 years, the average worker has lost over $11,400 in purchasing power.

3) Growth in Jobs is part-time, not full-time

26.8 million people now work part-time, broken down as follows:

  • Working two or more jobs
  • Retired and can’t live on retirement income
  • Can’t find full-time jobs

Only 6,000 new full-time jobs have been filled, but there was a 691,000 jump in part-time jobs.

Multiple job holders rose by 217,000 to 5.2%… That’s over 8 million going up every year.

This is the opposite of what happened in 2016-2021 and should be happening today.

Remember, the government survey only measures total jobs and does not measure the number of employed persons.

That means that even when job growth comes mostly from people working multiple part-time jobs, the number of employed people shows big increases while the number of jobs does not.

In fact, the total number of employed people can fall while the total number of jobs increases.

And the year-over-year measure of full-time jobs has fallen into recession numbers.

Looking at research over the past 50 years, whenever full-time jobs fall year over year for two months in a row or more, as it has been, the economy is in recession (or about to enter one).

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, “the full-time jobs indicator now reflects what’s been happening in part-time or seasonal jobs for months. For decades, whenever part-time jobs are negative, year over year, for more than three months in a row, the US is headed toward recession. This measure has been negative for the past seventeen months.”

4) Job participation rate: Too many not working

Living off government subsidies destroys the work ethic… millions who should be working are not.

In this jobs report, the labor force participation rate did not decrease; it increased to 62.7%.

5) Government revisions: deceptively manipulating data for political PR, not reality

Whenever the job numbers come out, they are never the “true” numbers…

The “true” numbers come weeks after the initial report and are usually revised down.

The February revision was 5,000 jobs lower than originally reported… The January revision was 256,000 but still well below the government’s first estimate of 353,000.

6) Inflation is still a major problem for the economy

The media and the government claim inflation has gone down.

That’s deception.

The rate of inflation on prices is climbing every month…

Yet the government is telling us inflation and prices are down—They’re going up.

We are, in fact, in a period of stagflation—a situation in which the inflation rate is high (or increasing), the economic growth rate slows, and unemployment remains steadily high.

For example:

  • Car insurance inflation— 22.2%
  • Transportation inflation— 10.7%
  • Car repair inflation— 8.2%
  • Hospital service inflation— 7.5%
  • Homeowner inflation— 5.9%
  • Rent inflation— 5.7%
  • Electricity inflation— 5.0%
  • Food away from home inflation— 4.2%

All the results of Bidenomics…

From March 2021, inflation went from 1.49% to 18% in the last 3 and a half years.

7) What are people doing?

Besides multiple jobs, people are doing several things:

  • Using their credit cards—credit card debt climbed 40%. Over the past 3 years, it’s been over $1 trillion.
  • 30% have no savings (1 out of 3 people).
  • The average monthly house payment on new homes soared to $3,332 — 90% from 2020, when it was $1,746. New homeowners need 80% more income to buy a home than 4 years ago.

The government says monthly inflation is 3.2%.

Private economists say it’s 18%.

  • 79% are cutting back on eating out.
  • 79% are cutting back on big ticket items.
  • 75% are cutting back on holiday/vacation travel.
  • 63% are cutting back on donations.
  • 58% are spending less at the grocery store.
  • 56% are cutting back on driving.

This economy should be booming.

Sadly, the Fed policy, government regulations, taxes, and massive overspending are creating a growing economic crisis.

Action Steps:

1) Review your marketing channels and messaging so they match your marketing. Call Michael Oppenheimer at 615-933-4647 or email him at

2) Order my new book, The Great Deception: 10 Shocking Dangers and the Blueprint for Rescuing the American Dream

Chapter 3: Danger #2: The Growing Economic Crisis: 7 Misunderstood Problems That Are Crippling Our Economy delves into the heart of the economic storm that threatens the very foundation of the American Dream.

Chapter 3 exposes the seven misunderstood problems crippling our economy, a searing exploration of the perilous path we tread due to economic mismanagement by radical ideological socialist politicians and bureaucrats.

Unchecked government spending is pushing the nation to the brink of economic collapse. The looming specter of inflation, deficits, and soaring debt threatens to shatter the stability we once took for granted. The radical socialists, in their pursuit of misguided policies, are inadvertently devaluing the very currency that forms the backbone of our economic strength.

The Great Deception: 10 Shocking Dangers and the Blueprint for Rescuing the American Dream exposes lies, myths, and distortions from the media and politicians.

It gives you answers and solutions to turning America around…

It allows you to share these dangers and a solution to cutting through the deception with friends and family.

It exposes under-the-radar and little-known behind-the-scenes reasons America is falling backward and how to make it move again.

Click here to get The Great Deception – Craig Huey

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