It is crucial that you are constantly clued in to the needs of your prospects and customers. In writing copy, really care about your prospect. There is power in caring for each prospect as an individual.
Not a group…but an individual made in the image of God.
Make the copy exciting and interesting for your reader. And understand that what might be exciting to you might not be as exciting to your customer or prospect.
Therefore, it is imperative that you are keyed in to their interests, not yours.
In creating your campaign, make sure you are speaking directly to the prospects’ concerns, fears and needs. Are they concerned about safety, price, durability, quality, availability?
You’ll need to move beyond features to benefits. You sell the features, but the prospect won’t care if he or she can’t relate to the benefits.
Knowing this will help you create copy that will supercharge your response.
Need help to create a campaign? I can help you write powerful, benefit-oriented copy that generates response. Call me at (310)212-5727 or email Caleb at [email protected].