by Craig Huey
Accredited Investors are now easy to target for marketing your hedge fund.
Hedge Funds seeking assets under management are able to solicit to Accredited Investor under the new JOBS Act.
The Accredited Investor Superfile postal and email list includes the names of Accredited Investors, whose net worth is more than $1 million, not including the value of their primary residence or has a household income of at least$200,000 per year ($300,000 with spouse).
And there are many options in targeting your best prospects.
The Accredited Investor Superfile can be selected by geography, age and income levels and if they are active self-directed investors.
There are 8,237,954 million postal and emails of Accredited Investors.
There is also a special selection of 2,424,801 who are most likely to respond to a direct mail offer. These are the most response names.
Direct mail has proven to be one of the best ways to reach the Accredited Investor audience. It is highly defined and highly targeted. It will generate higher response and a lower cost per lead and sale than other media.
For many marketers reaching the Accredited Investor, my team at Creative Direct Marketing Group often combines media into an integrated campaign. The core is direct mail. But we also do an email campaign plus a banner ad/retargeting campaign plus Facebook newsfeed post – all to the same names we mail to.
An integrated campaign has maximized impact in generating quality leads and better conversion.
Need help in creating a Hedge Fund campaign? Contact Caleb Huey at 310-212-5727 or email him at [email protected].