I’ll be speaking at FreedomFest, from July 17-20 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
FreedomFest is the nation’s largest conference for Libertarians, Conservatives and free-market, pro-freedom advocates.
There will be over 2,000 attendees…and 250+ speakers, including Ex Fed Reserve nominee Stephen Moore…Kevin O’Leary of Shark Tank and Whole Foods CEO John Mackey.
I’ll be speaking on:
– 18 Powerful Marketing and Advertising Trends for Business, Organizations, and Politics.
– 7 Little Know Surprises about Deep State Corruption and Abusive Power, the Mueller Investigation, and the Road to Socialism.
I’m encouraging all of my readers to come to FreedomFest…and, you can register here to get $50 off a regular price ticket.
I’ll see you there!