I’ve got good news for you if you’ve been thinking about generating private capital (yes … even at a time like this).

Many readers want to generate private capital to use for expansion, marketing and advertising, research and development, retail expansion, and much more.

A few years back the SEC finally made this possible with equity crowd funding for private companies.


This works in two ways:


  1. You can now market directly to active investors and in your advertising and marketing present to them the opportunity to invest in your company.


You can be a private company with zero intention of going public. Or you can be a private company with the plan to eventually becoming public. In fact, equity crowd funding can help you become public even faster.

Even in this crisis, we have one campaign ready to go. Why? Because, for investors, it’s an opportunity outside of and independent of the stock market volatility.


  1. If you already have a database of customers, equity crowd funding becomes even more exciting because you have a built-in investor database.


We can take your database and identify who are potential investors so that you can quickly and easily target people who are already familiar with you and would like to partner by becoming investors.

If you’re not already taking advantage of this amazing opportunity, here’s what you need to know …

  • You can raise $5 million under regulation crowd funding and $75 million under Reg A+.
  • Non-accredited investors can use the greater of their annual income or net worth to calculate their investment regulation crowd funding.


We have helped many companies go directly to investors to raise funds under the accredited investor regulations.

And we have helped even more companies raise capital via Reg A+

The entire concept of going directly to investors to raise capital is outlined in my book 23 Equity Crowdfunding Secrets to Raising Capital.

If you have not yet bought a copy you can do so here at a special discount and I will sign it.

You can also order it on Amazon by clicking here.

Or, you can send a check for $27.75 to 21171 S. Western Ave., Suite 2642, Torrance, CA 90501.