TDM could be your secret weapon to increasing profits in 2022-23.
Let me share a powerful way to enlarge your universe of quality prospects… increase your response and generate more prospects and clients.
Transactional Data Modeling (TDM) is the latest, most advanced method to create powerful look-a-like audiences and maximize response with custom lists.
It’s independent and different from Meta or Google… dramatically different.
In the past, most look-a-like audiences and even custom lists created on Facebook, Google, Bing, LinkedIn, YouTube, and other platforms have been built upon people’s viewing or clicking history and habits.
That kind of strategy will give you a mediocre look-a-like audience, and a mediocre custom list.
And with changes at Apple and Meta, a necessary step to marketing strategy
You won’t get the response you’re looking for.
With Transactional Data Modeling (TDM), the basis of your look-a-like audience is built upon what people have actually purchased – not on what they’re thinking about, what they like, or their future intention to buy.
Using a matrix of transactional data is the latest, most advanced way to supercharge response and increase the size of your prospect universe… and to getting a much higher response.
Transactional Data Modeling is done by about 7 large data companies. These companies use a matrix of powerful transactional data that produces your “perfect prospect” – again and again.
We’ve seen hundreds of thousands of identifiable prospects that are 90-95%, just like my clients’ customers. TDM creates much better targeting and responses.
Here is an example of just one client’s data test:
This method far surpasses any other strategy you can use to create an audience that is most likely to respond to your offer.
Interested in discussing TDM?
Our data experts at Creative Direct Marketing Group are pioneers in this field.
If you’d like to talk to me about how you can use the Transactional Data Modeling (TDM) to target your “perfect prospects”, give us a call at 615-933-4647 or email Craig at [email protected]