A direct response copy rule is no warm ups!
You may tease a reader on the outer envelope of a direct mail piece or headline of your landing page, or your video opening, and email lead.
But don’t make your prospect read or listen beyond one or two paragraphs to find out what you’re selling.
As a marketer, you’re competing with multiple distractions that hinder your ability to drive a sale.
Remember, you have their attention at the opening or very beginning – so don’t be afraid to “fire your biggest gun” at the point.
Here’s an example of a strong opening:
“I’m going to tell you about a natural health product that heals your aches and pains just as well as prescription medications – but with no side effects whatsoever. Not even one.”
“Dozens of online investments newsletters promise great stock tips. But do you know about a service that does more than promise great tips. It also teaches you the 7 step foolproof criteria for indentifying great stocks… so you can become your own high-powered Wall Street advisor.”
“Let me tell you about 6 surprising predictions for 2024 that will impact your bottom line.”
Look at your copy now.
No warmups.
Make sure you get to the point quickly.
Let us critique your first paragraph (and copy) for free. Call Michael at 615-933-4647 or email [email protected] for a free consultation.