A magalog looks like a magazine… but it’s not.

It’s a direct-response direct-mail sales piece.

It’s an infomercial in print.

A magalog is a unique direct mail format we created several years ago…

And entrepreneurs and small businesses have broken through the clutter, turning them into multimillion-dollar companies.

We have created magalogs for large corporations [see HERE and HERE] to help them grow even in a recession.

The magalog ranges from 16 to 28 pages, but usually averages 20 pages.

A magalog is powerful and able to position you to generate leads or sales, whether it be B2C or B2B.

One magalog we created for a B2C client just won us our 103rd marketing award — The MARCO GOLD AWARD for Best Direct Mail Package of 2022.

In the Gold Award magalog, we started with a headline on the magazine’s cover that graphically illustrated inflation that read, “Biden’s Big Government Spending Pouring Gasoline on Raging Inflation Fire.”

When the prospect opened the magalog there was a strong article on “How to Better Protect and Grow Your Wealth in a World Seemingly Gone Mad.”

It included sidebars about The National Debt, Warren Buffet’s $563 Million Investment in a Gold Mining Company, Smart Money Bets on Gold, Why Silver May be Better Thank Gold, and testimonials.

The magalog copy emphasized 6 crisis triggers that explain why gold and silver will probably rise in the coming year using direct response copy.

The main article goes from pages 3 to 13, with the last 3 pages, 13, 14, and 15, being the call to action (CTA).

The response device was on page 15.

The back cover said, “Stock Market Crash Ahead? Thanks to Historic Federal Reserve Stimulus…Massive Government Overspending… and Skyrocketing debt… A Financial Meltdown is Unstoppable!!!”

The magalog was able to drive a 3 to 1 ROI and why we not only won the Gold Award for Best Direct Mail Piece of 2022 but also generated new customers for the client at a great rate — Better than online channels.

If you would like to see a copy of this magalog or other magalogs, we’d be glad to talk to you about it. Call Michael Oppenheimer at 615-490-8832 or email me at moppenheimer@cdmginc.com