Can you double your results in this recession?


During a recession, it is imperative that you continue to market. Although you must maintain an acceptable cost per lead and cost per sale, this is not the time to react in fear and cut your budget arbitrarily.

Because that’s what your competitors are doing. And that means it’s an ideal time for your to capture new clients and expand your marketing share.

Studies prove it.

Many studies have proven that in times of recession, companies that maintain or increase their marketing are far more successful than those that cut back. McGraw-Hill Research found that companies that increased their marketing experienced a sales boost that was 256% greater than those that cut back.

In the last recession, only 25% of companies increased their marketing. As a result, their average market share growth outpaced other businesses by 2.5 times.

One strategy that will help you turn up your impact and stand out from your competitors is three-dimensional direct mail. This format is appropriate for B to B and B to C marketers if you are mailing to fewer than 10,000 and your profit margin is high. These mailings can be expensive per unit…but they yield much higher response rates, especially if there is a telephone follow-up.

Here’s just one 3-D recession marketing success story…

Giltspur, a leading designer of high-end custom trade show exhibits that cost up to $75,000 per unit, wanted to debut a breakthrough construction material known as GilCor.

The company needed to communicate the product’s significant cost-saving features to high-level marketing/trade show decision makers – a very skeptical group to market to.

Plus, dramatic cutbacks on trade shows had happened, a seemingly impossible situation.

Compound this skepticism with a recession and cost-cutting in marketing budgets and we were faced with quite a challenge.

To give Giltspur an edge, my team and I developed a dynamic, two-part 3-D mailing to trade show managers and marketing directors. The first box proclaimed: “Open immediately! Cost-cutting breakthrough inside.”

It included scissors and three sample invoices for shipping, setup, and tear down of a trade show exhibit. These invoices illustrated the 25% to 40% cost savings of GilCor provided. The package also included a two-page sales letter and free video offer.

Three days later, prospects received a second box that said “A special gift: A dollar saved is…” It included 1-dollar and 2-dollar bills with this headline: “Make every dollar in your trade show budget work like two with GilCor. It also included a two-page sales letter and strong offer.

Doubled the campaign’s goal

The client’s goal was to generate appointments from10% of the target audience. But this 3-D package far surpassed those expectations, resulting in 20% of respondents’ scheduling appointments.

Client Richard Murphy said of this campaign, “Your 3-D mailing was attention-getting, powerful, and very fitting for the image we want to portray in the industry. Even better, the appointments have resulted in sales.”

If you’d like to talk to use about how we can help you deliver a powerful recession-proof 3-D package to your prospects, give Johnny a call at 615.933.4647, or email me at [email protected].