I love helping to turn a tough marketing challenge into a profitable campaign.
Over the years, one of the most difficult challenges occurs when a company wants to project a certain image, but not sacrifice response.
Let’s look at an example.
The magazine New Perspectives Quarterly wanted to boost its number of subscribers. Now my CDMG team faced a new problem. We needed to select a promotional style that would attract subscribers, but would not appear too slick and damage the magazine’s reputation as an intellectual journal for educated readers.
The goals of my marketing promotion were:
- Attract more subscribers without compromising New Perspective Quarterly’s
- Establish New Perspective Quarterly as a one-of-a-kind magazine, the only source for intellectual discussion and reasons debate of important issues.
Our strategy was to boost response for NPQ by using proven direct response techniques:
- We created a direct mail piece.
- In the direct mail letter, we emphasized the magazine’s Unique Selling Proposition—namely, that they were “the only publication in America today dedicated to the true debate … read by the nation’s innovative minds.”
- The letter also stressed the fact that the reader could receive a free complimentary preview of
- We had a “maybe” offer where the reader could receive a complimentary issue of New Perspectives Quarterly.
- We emphasized the toll free 800-number readers could call to subscribe, because response increases when there is an 800-number option.
- We used direct response copy and art, without sacrificing image.
The Result
The results exceeded expectations, and brought in new subscribers.
NPQ’s Business and Marketing Director praised our team’s work:
“The package you designed for NPQ did indeed make a difference. We received a higher cross response than we’ve ever seen. Being a high-brow intellectual thought journal, we were afraid of trying a faster-sell, free-offer approach. The package turned out tactful and classy. We’re very pleased with the outcome.”
Are you looking to broaden your brand and increase your sales, but fear losing quality? Call me at (310) 212-5727 or email me at [email protected], and we can create a direct marketing campaign to fit your needs.