Facebook is one of direct marketers’ best friends.
Right now, at least 20% (sometimes much more) of the marketing budgets we’re doing are with Facebook.
This social medium is accountable. It’s great to test. And it dramatically expands your universe and profitability. Also, one of the fun things about Facebook is that it keeps getting better by expanding its services and effectiveness.
Here are some of the best ways to use Facebook right now:

  1. Send direct mail to the same people that we are advertising to on Facebook.
  1. Send your Facebook ads to all those whom you are sending emails to. The best combination is all three: direct mail, email, and Facebook to the same names.
  1. We take your customer list or prospect list … and segment it any way we want. Then we create a campaign to the targeted audience and their Facebook accounts. Let me give you some an example of an that we’ve created for our client StarShop in the Facebook newsfeed section:

StarShop Facebook Ad
Newsfeed will produce better results on the right-hand side.

  1. We have discovered little-known ways to make a look-a-like feature of Facebook. We can also produce a look-a-like audience on steroids. This has greatly expanded the profitability of our clients.

I have one fundraising client now who has doubled their contributions. A crowdfunding client under the JOBS Act who has identified accredited investors. And an investor client is reaching prospects he never thought he could communicate with before. Here is a Facebook ad that we created for the look-a-like groups with RealWater:
RealWater Facebook Ad

  1. Retargeting

Retargeting is an awesome way to increase your profitability. At this point, your ad on Facebook will follow them wherever they go, and draws your prospects back to your website and your offer.
Check out this retargeting my team created for The Natural Investor:
DiGiorgia Natural Investor Retargeting Adf
Do you want to use Facebook in your next ads? Want a dynamic direct marketing campaign for your product or service? Call me at (310) 212-5727 or email me at [email protected] for a free consultation!