Over the years, we innovated the magalog which has been a powerful tool to generate leads and create sales (you can see our video briefing on magalogs here).
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A magalog works for Business to Business and consumer marketers.
It’s an infomercial in print…and helps supercharge your response.
Most magalogs I produce are for prospecting. For example:
- Health Alert – for seniors
- VectorVest – for investors
- Starshop – for equity crowdfunding
- Surf control – for top CEO/CFO’s
I’ve created magalogs for parents, entrepreneurs, older women and much more.
These all have been for prospecting.
But what about a database?
Ford Motor Company is using the magalog concept by sending it to its database of customers. Ford Motor Company has a magazine called “My Ford” which is filled with content, helpful tips, great information and up sales and cross sales.
Building loyalty and relationship is key to customer retention and Ford Company is doing it well.
The Ford quarterly magazine is filled with great content such as tips for expanding the lifetime of the cars breaks, a comparison of different Fords, and an article highlighting the cars pre-collision system. Many of the articles drive people to more detailed information on their website including video content.
If you’d like to discuss creating a magalog for prospecting or for your database. Call me at (310) 212-5727 or email me at [email protected]
You can see some magalog case studies here:
- Sun Chlorella – Turning a start-up into a multi-million-dollar company, click here.
- Marketing to the wealthy, click here.