Here are some tried-and-tested direct response copy techniques that I require of my copywriters to use in almost every marketing campaign.
Check the copy in your latest direct mail piece, landing page, ad or email against this list to make sure your copy is making your marketing work as hard as it can for you.

  1. Have you eliminated all references to “we think” or “our company believes”? Remember, your prospects don’t care about what you think, they only care about what they need or is in their self-interest.
  2. Do your materials anticipate and answer your prospect’s questions? Write your copy as if you were face to face with your prospects and anticipating their questions.
  3. Do your materials anticipate and answer your prospect’s objections? An objection is often a question. One way to turn a potential negative into an advantage is with a question-and-answer format.
  4. Is the type large enough to be easily read? Body text should be at least 12-point, but for those over 50, I recommend nothing less than 13-point type.
  5. Have you defined your Unique Selling Proposition at the start, and reinforced it in the middle and at the end? This is what sets you apart – make sure it weaves through your entire message.
  6. Are all the benefits of your product or service clearly explained? Show how you will help your prospects solve their problems or enhance their lives.
  7. Do your materials position your company as an authority with a solution to your target’s worse problem? Make it clear that you are the obvious resource to meet your prospect’s needs.

OK, do your current marketing materials pass this test?
Are they making you as much money as they possibly can?
If not, let’s talk.
If your marketing materials aren’t generating extraordinary return on your investment and need a boost, call me at 310-212-5727 or write me at [email protected] for a free consultation.