Testing is the cornerstone of direct response marketing.
Variables in any campaign must always be tested—that’s why direct response marketing is called “Accountable Advertising” or “Scientific Advertising.”
You can test headlines, components, email subject lines, different websites for banner ads, different email lists, hundreds of variables.
Sometimes the results of testing may surprise you.
This week, we tested two floaters for our home page.
We tested two variables:

Variant A                                                       Variant B


Which one performed best?

Variant A out-performed Variant B by more than 500%, with a 1.3% conversion rate, compared to a 0.19% conversion rate.
Variant A received 158 new subscribers. Variant B received 2 new subscribers.
Same copy, same graphic, different color and text.
Small changes can have big results.
Variant A now becomes the “control.” Then we’ll create new variables to test against the control, to continue improving response.
Testing ensures that we use the highest performing variables to get the greatest conversion and response—so that you can gain new leads and boost profits.
If you would like to discuss testing variables for your marketing campaign, give me a call at (310) 212-5727. Or email Caleb at [email protected].