Longer headlines get more response than shorter headlines.
The more words and more characters done right means more clickthroughs for your online ads.
This direct response rate has just been verified by a recent study of short vs. long headlines.
Headlines that were between 90 and 99 characters received a clickthrough rate of 0.43% higher than headlines that had less than 90 characters.
Headlines with more words also gained a higher response.
In one test, headlines with just 16 words achieved a clickthrough rate of 0.33%, while short headlines of just four words got a clickthrough rate of only 0.14%.
In one test, Intelligent Investor Report tested two different email blasts, changing only the superscript headline and the subhead above the salutation – all other copy and art stayed the same.
See which one you think produced the greater response, then read the results.
Headline 1:
If you’re hungry for 500% profits, this internationally known pizza brand is ready to deliver.”
Headline 2:
Fast food, fast profits
The winner?
It was Headline #1—more detailed, specific copy, more words, and more characters made for a greater response rate.
I’d love to help you craft a winning copy strategy. If you need help with your marketing approach, give me a call at (310)212-5727, or email Caleb at [email protected].
Here are the rest of this week’s posts:
Success with Direct Mail, Online Ads, Landing Pages, and More
Amazon: Ad Revenue Booms
3 Day Marketing Bootcamp in 45 Minutes