A picture says a thousand words.

The right picture grabs your prospects by the eye balls, engages them, and together with great direct response copy, turns them into buyers.

Case in point: We tested three different images in Facebook ads for our client World Opportunity Investor. The copy remained identical.

Which one of these following images do you think boosted response?

(Please excuse the quality of these images … they didn’t render well for this article … we used HD images in the ad during the test.)

Image #1:


Image #2:


Image #3:

The results:

If you said Image #2, you’re correct!

Image #2 increase responses by 81% compared to Image #1.

Why do you think that image supercharged responses like that?

Email me at [email protected]. I will publish the best responses in the next full issue of Direct Marketing Update.

For every campaign we do, we undertake at least one, but more often multiple, tests. We’ve tested over 10,000 variables, and have learned how to produce a better campaign each time.

That’s why, if we did a campaign for you, we’d be able to use our knowledge of testing to create powerful and profitable results for you as well.

Contact us on 615-933-4647 or email [email protected].