4,000 to 10,000.

That’s how many ads the average American is exposed to daily (according to marketing experts.)

Prospects may be a year older … they may be a little wiser … but they are definitely more jaded toward advertising and marketing efforts.

The time we have to grab their attention before they dismiss or trash our message is shorter than it has ever been.

Their level of skepticism is at its highest.

But it’s NOT mission impossible.

With some foresight … heaps of creativity … strategic insights and help from the right quarters, and you’ll knock your marketing efforts out of the park this year.

So here are some of those foresight to start the year with …

Trend #1: Integrated, Multichannel Marketing Will Become a Necessity in 2020

This will be the year that marketers discover that the only sure way to accountably and effectively market a product or service is with integrated, multichannel marketing.

This powerful marketing and advertising approach sends a single, powerful offer to the same names across the following platforms:

–        Direct Mail

–        Email

–        Facebook Ads

–        Banner Ads

–        Native Ads

–        Amazon Ads

–        Pre-roll Videos

–        And more …

… and to the same names!

When combined with advanced data modeling, integrated, multichannel marketing becomes a powerful marketing force that can help you generate responsive new leads and customers.

Conversion rates are significantly higher …

And you save time and money not marketing to non-prospects.

Multichannel, integrated marketing relies on sending prospects to one landing page dedicated to the offer that also includes video and advanced retargeting. The strategy itself is built upon data modeling and optimized data.

At a glance, it looks like this …

Multichannel Marketing

Easy First Steps:


Trend #2: Geofencing Will be a Game Changer for Mobile Marketing in 2020

Geofencing is a radical new marketing strategy that allows you to strategically target prospects and gather their mobile IDs based on their physical location on any given date.

Then you market to them specifically via YouTube, Facebook, and Google.

Geofencing is perfect for retailers wanting to market to their store customers or hotels looking to market to guests staying at competitor hotels or you can geofence a country music concert.

The possibilities are endless.

One example from our clients is when we used geofencing as part of a multichannel, integrated marketing campaign for the pro free-enterprise candidate, Phil Liberatore.

We “fenced” 74 different Evangelical churches for people who went to a Sunday service in the last six months in his district and gathered 94,000 mobile IDs, helping us build a large database in a short amount of time.

In the end, we collected – using Geofencing – the contact information of 10,000 highly motivated voters who were also considered “low propensity” voters, more than 10,000 petition signers, and more than 100,000 landing page visitors.

Geofencing could totally change the game for digital marketing in the coming year, as it allows marketers to be laser-sharp and more strategic than ever.

Easy first steps:

  • As shown in that one example, we’re using geofencing for clients – and ourselves – right now and getting amazing results. Give us a call (615.933.4647) if you’d like to implement this revolutionary new tactic in your marketing strategy.


Trend #3: Addressable TV Will Change the TV Advertising Game

TV is a powerful marketing medium for reaching your prospects. But it has changed.

Over the last several years, cable TV viewing rates have plummeted.

Between 2010 and 2018, traditional TV subscribers dropped by more than 10 million households. In its place, viewers are turning to streaming TV like Hulu, Roku, and Amazon Prime.

Between 40 and 50 million households in the U.S. are now watching TV on streaming services, accounting for roughly 128 million individuals. With 75% of all Americans owning two or more streaming devices, that adds up to a significant amount of viewing time.

And those numbers will continue to rise throughout 2020 and beyond.

Which makes addressable TV a powerful new marketing tool you can’t afford to ignore.

With addressable TV, you provide the cable or satellite TV companies with a highly targeted database to which they broadcast your specific commercial.

It’s a digital way of communicating to a specific TV audience.

In other words, you can show different ads to different households while they’re watching the same show.

And you can use a regular or look-alike list for equally powerful results.

This significantly lowers the cost of traditional TV commercials – because you’re not paying to broadcast to the entire viewership – while markedly increasing response rates.

Easy first steps:

  • Keep you addressable TV ads to 30-seconds. While direct response TV ads perform better when they’re longer, it’s harder to buy time.
  • Addressable TV is especially powerful during election season, so be sure to read Trend #32 for more details on what to expect in the political marketing space this year.
  • Give us a call (615.933.4647) or email [email protected] if you’d like to hear about how we’ve returned amazing results for our clients using the addressable TV platform … and how we can help you do the same in 2020.


Trend #4: Direct Mail Retargeting Will Be One of Your Most Powerful Strategies to Increase Responses in 2020

That’s when you send a printed direct mail piece to people who visit your website or landing page … which is now easy to do thanks to the technology that enables us to identify the postal addresses of many of your online visitors.

Sending a full direct mail piece after they visit you electronically/digitally – after they are already hot prospects – is powerful.

Easy first steps:

  • Watch this video to get a quick overview of some direct mail breakthrough tips on an online world.
  • Make sure to highly target your direct mail (you’ll find more about how to do this and why it’s critical to your direct response marketing success in Trend #24 below).


Trend #5: Direct Mail Boom Ahead

Direct mail is far from being dead.

In fact, it still generates a higher response than any other kind of marketing medium. And it will continue to do so throughout 2020 … retaking its position as the #1 marketing method available to you.

The rumor of its death truly was greatly exaggerated.

Postal mail continues to be the number one avenue for most aggressive marketers to reach prospects. It often generates a lower cost per lead and cost per sale … plus, it generates higher responses and numbers.

There’s been a powerful resurgence of direct mail over the past few years, due to better targeting and advances in Transactional Data Modeling.

Expect this resurgence to burgeon in 2020, as marketers use targeting and innovative direct mail formats to their advantage.

Easy first steps:

  • Make sure to highly target your direct mail (you’ll find more about how to do this and why it’s critical to your direct response marketing success in Trend 8 below).


Trend #6: Informed Delivery Breakthrough Will Make Direct Mail Marketing Even More Powerful

Informed delivery is where the USPS digitally scans the outside of your mail pieces and emails them to recipients before they arrive in their mailboxes.

That’s right. Your prospect gets a sneak preview of your mail piece before it arrives!

That makes using the right “tease” even more critical.

But there’s more!

Under your mail image is a free ad that allows informed delivery email recipients to click to your website or video or wherever you want them to go. It’s powerful stuff.

It’s a free service. If you’re not already using it for your personal mail, business mail, or marketing mail,  don’t delay in getting it set up.

And it’s popular.

More than 15 million people have signed up to receive daily emails from the USPS informing them of what to expect in their mailbox that day.

A USPS survey found that nine out of 10 people who signed up for the service checked their Informed Delivery notifications every day.

Make your direct mail piece so intriguing that Informed Delivery recipients not only look forward to getting the physical mail piece, but also click on the target URL to learn more immediately.

Easy first steps:

  •  Click here to sign up for Informed Delivery if you haven’t already.
  • Design your address area so that prospects can easily see it.
  • Build anticipation for the physical piece to arrive and offer immediate information that integrates with your message.
  • Maximizing the power of informed delivery is something we’ve done since its launch in 2017. Give us a call when you implement this component into your marketing this year. We’ll be able to give you some tips that will make the integration so much smoother, so you can enjoy the results so much faster. And, because of our close ties to the USPS, we are also privy to huge discounts throughout the year. We can pass those details along to you when they’re available. You can reach us on 615.933.4647 or email [email protected].


Trend #7: Pre-Roll Video Will Be Key to Your Targeted Marketing Strategy

Pre-roll videos are short commercials that play before videos you might watch on YouTube of cable TV video.

In 2020, pre-rolls will be a powerful part of your targeted marketing strategy. They can be targeted to a specific audience of prospects: you can use a custom list or look-a-like audience and choose specific channels to run it on.

Pre-rolls typically run about 30 seconds, but are often 60, 90, or 120 seconds and more.

Easy first steps:

  • Start with YouTube. It only charges you if the viewer finishes watching the pre-roll on one of their videos.
  • Give us a call at 615.933.4647 or email [email protected] to discuss your pre-roll strategy today.


Trend #8: Revolutionary Advanced Transactional Data Modelling (TDM) Will See More Explosive Growth in 2020

It’s transformed direct mail response.

It’s transformed digital response.

Advanced transactional data modeling (TDM) uses thousands of transactional data points to create the perfect prospect for your product or service.

This transformative targeting strategy can help you reach potential buyers who will become loyal customers with greater lifetime value.

This advanced data modeling creates a “look-a-like” audience on steroids – helping direct mail universes to expand and response rates to dramatically increase.

And, these audiences are critical to your online and direct mail marketing success.

As data modeling becomes more sophisticated and highly targeted this year, watch this strategy generate even higher response.

Easy first steps:

  • Use advanced data modeling in your own marketing and advertising to create your own “perfect prospects.” We can help, so email [email protected] or give him a call on 615.933.4647.


Trend #9: Direct Response Copy Will Continue to Dramatically Increase Response Rates

That’s because direct response copy is powerful … and proven.

It uses a conversational tone and highlights the benefits of a product or service to the prospect (“you”) … rather than just listing features.

It offers value to the reader beyond the product being sold.

It entertains while informing.

It paints the picture of the life your prospect wants … it promises the best path to that life … it proves that it’s possible and does work … and then it gives the reader clear instructions on what to do next (i.e. buy or subscribe).

It connects with the prospect … and that makes the difference between hitting the bullseye or missing the mark.

Easy first steps:

  • Focus your messages with a clear USP (unique selling proposition).
  • Use benefit-based, “you”-directed copy in every component of your marketing campaign.
  • Tell your prospects HOW you’re going to make their lives better.
  • Review your current online and print materials and change any anti-marketing copy to the more powerful direct response copy. It will boost your response rates almost immediately.
  • Team up with us at CDMG. We have been in the direct response copy game for more than two decades, and have worked with the likes of Clayton Makepeace, Gary Bencivenga, and Brad Peterson (along with many other direct response copy masters). You could say we know a thing or two about this incredibly powerful marketing style and want to help you master it. Call 615.933.4647 or email [email protected].
  • Implement V.I.V.A. into your marketing (see next trend for details).


Trend #10: V.I.V.A.: Set Yourself Apart in 2020

Consumers have more options than ever … meaning they have more opportunities than ever to turn down or ignore your marketing.

In 2020, focus on offering your prospects something of value beyond what you’re selling – a free informational piece or free content that they will find useful.

This is V.I.V.A.: Valuable Information, Value Added.

Value-added marketing dramatically changes the tone of your marketing approach. It says you’re there to give, not just take.

And it positions you as an authority to help prospects with your specific product or service.

Easy first steps:

  • Read this article from our archives on how to implement V.I.V.A. into your marketing campaigns in 2020.
  • Call me (310.212.5727) or email me at [email protected] if you want to bounce ideas around for your first V.I.V.A.


Trend #11: Subscription Services Will Explode into the Mainstream

The subscription service market has more than doubled every year since 2015! This trend will continue, possibly at faster speeds, in 2020.

More and more consumers are looking for the convenience and personalization that subscription services offer.

Perhaps even better: These services allow subscribers to enjoy substantial discounts on items they use frequently.

Anything from Dollar Shave Club to Amazon’s Subscribe and Save service …

It’s a no-brainer.

But, in a market growing ever more competitive, subscription marketers must know specific strategies and tactics to continually expand their subscriber base and keep old subscribers.

Easy first steps:

  • Immediately identify a product or service you’re selling that would fit perfectly into the subscription model and get working on turning it into a perpetual money machine.
  • Check out this article for valuable information.
  • Give us a call at 615.933.4647. We’ve helped dozens of clients massively grow their subscriber base … and we can help you do the same.


Trend #12: Magalogs Will Blow Response Rates Out of the Water

As I said earlier, direct response and direct mail marketing is alive and well. In fact, it’s thriving and will continue to do so throughout 2020 and beyond.

And magalogs will continue to be a big part of that!

I innovated the magalog in the early 1990s. Ever since, they’ve proven to be extremely effective for new product launches, or for producing breakthroughs in response rates for mature products or services.

In consumer marketing and business-to-business marketing, they generally outperform envelope mailings or brochures.

Magalogs are 4-color sales pieces that resemble traditional magazines.

Basically, they’re infomercials in print.

Typically 16-24 pages long, they feature around a central article with several supporting sidebar articles.

Coupled with direct response copy, your prospects will be drawn into the article, and you get an excellent opportunity to make a full pitch for your product or service.

In an age of skepticism and sound bites, magalogs are an unbeatable, in-depth way to reach prospects.

Easy first steps:

  •  Read this article to discover what makes the magalog such a powerful tool to add to your marketing arsenal for 2020.
  • And watch my video briefing on magalogs here.
  • Then call us. We have produced stellar results for clients in the past, and would love to do the same for you in 2020 and beyond.


Trend #13: Newsalogs Will Overtake Magalogs in Garnering High Response Rates

I innovated the newsalog in 2014.

Newsalogs look like a newspaper and feel like a newspaper, but they’re actually direct mail pieces.

It’s “retro marketing” at its best.

Newspapers may be in decline, but in direct marketing, they’re making a comeback.

They have an inherent perceived value as a trusted source of new information. So, with the right direct response copy, they bring in huge responses.

Easy first steps:

  • Read more about how and why newsalogs boost response rates.
  • You can also watch my 2-minute video briefing about these powerful, yet underappreciated direct mail pieces.
  • And, of course, call us (615.933.4647) to see what newsalogs we can get into mailboxes this year for you.


Trend #14: Bookalogs Will Build Credibility, Intrigue, and Authority

In 2020, expect bookalogs to gain momentum as a powerful marketing tool that adds credibility, intrigue, and authority.

A bookalog can come in soft- or hard-cover or digital format and typically runs about 100 to 150 pages long.

It’s so powerful because it looks like a book and feels like a book … but it’s really a sales piece.

It powerfully positions you (or your company) as an authority in your field, and sets you apart from the competition.

It immediately overcomes skepticism because of the intrinsic value a book holds in most people’s minds.

And it bypasses that automatic-trash response because of the power of books in our lives.

This type of direct response sales piece has been used for both business-to-business and consumer marketing … even fund raising.

Easy first steps:

  • Read my article on bookalogs – and how they can double your response rates – here.
  • Watch my video briefing on bookalogs as well. You’ll  find lots of tips about how to implement this format into your marketing mix this year.
  • And … to become a published expert that turns mediocre response rates to phenomenal ones in just 12 weeks, give us a call (615.933.4647) or send us an email ([email protected]).


Trend #15: Videologs Will Become a Prospecting and Conversion Series Testing Standard in 2020

The videolog is the revolutionary merger of video with direct mail, combining two marketing powerhouses for a super-charged response rate.

A videolog direct mail package combines an envelope mailing, a one-page cover letter … and a powerful four-page brochure that plays a video when operated. It can be 3 minutes or 30 minutes.

While the videolog has been expensive in the past, we anticipate prices will drop in 2020.

Easy first steps:


Trend #16: Infomercials Will Be Your “Secret Weapon” to Reaching America’s Best Consumers

While TV viewership is dramatically changing (as I discussed earlier) … it remains a powerful marketing strategy, especially for senior audiences (be sure to check out Trend #28 for marketing trends related to Baby Boomers and Generation X consumers).

The older generation still watches cable TV more than ever.

In fact, 70% of people between 50 and 64 watch cable TV while 84% of people over the age of 65 do the same.

In 2020, don’t overlook the power of informercials to reach this valuable audience of consumers.

Easy first steps:

  • We’ve created more than 300 videos and TV commercials, including 13 infomercials. Give me a call on 615.933.4647 to discuss your TV marketing strategy.


Trend #17: Video Will Dominate Digital Marketing in 2020

Video, when displayed on your landing page, in digital ads, in pre-roll video, on Facebook and more, will become one of your most powerful response boosters this year.

That’s because video …

  • Is shareable: 70% of consumers have shared a brand’s video.
  • Improves conversion: 72% of marketers say video has improved their conversion response rate.
  • Adds credibility: 52% of consumers say that watching a video makes them more confident in buying a product.
  • Increases responses for emails, banner ads, and Facebook ads.
  • Allows you to use a custom list on YouTube. You can use a multichannel, integrated campaign to your targeted audience.
  • Gives you better Facebook reach.
  • And so much more …

In 2020, expect video to become a critical cornerstone of a multichannel, integrated marketing campaign.

Easy first steps:

  • Get some pre-roll videos recorded as soon as you can. These are short commercials – between 30 and 120 seconds – that play before videos on YouTube or cable TV video or even Facebook.
  • Target them to a specific audience. In fact, use a custom list or look-a-like audience to target your pre-roll video, and choose specific channels to run it on.
  •  Watch this commercial reel we created a few years back for some inspiration.
  • And let us help you. As I said earlier, we’ve created more than 300 videos for clients. We know all the ins and outs and all the tricks of the trade to maximize their impact on your marketing results. Give us a call at 615.933.4647 or email [email protected] to discuss your video and pre-roll strategy today.


Trend #18: 3D Mailing Will Outperform Every Other Direct Response Marketing Format Around

Like bookalogs, newsalogs, magalogs, and videologs … 3D Direct Mail packages are irresistible. There is an intrinsic value in receiving a FedEx package and the appeal is so strong that no one can simply toss the package in the trash before opening it.

So, it should come as no surprise that 3D promotions have the highest open rates of all direct mail and direct response pieces currently doing the rounds – including anything digital.

3D promotions consist of several elements that work together, in conjunction with an integrated, multichannel campaign, to push the prospect to your desired response.

They contain some V.I.V.A. element … that is they have something useful to the prospect long after the transaction is completed.

They contain something intriguing. Something that has the WOW factor.

And they contain clear, precise instructions on why the prospect is receiving the package, and what the desired response is.

Best of all, they are a powerful way to successfully market to small, niche, skeptical audiences.

Easy first steps:

  • Add a 3D promotion to your marketing arsenal for 2020 … especially if you are selling a top of the range product or service … or you’re trying to reach a tough audience. You won’t regret it. Not only are the results out of this world, but they’re fun to create too.
  • Read about how we helped Giltspur tell its story to high-level decision makers in large companies.
  • Remember, we can help make the creation and implementation of a 3D promotion quick, easy, and cost effective for you. We’ve been doing them for customers for years, and have won numerous industry awards as a result. You can reach us at 615.933.4647 or [email protected].


Trend #19: Personalized Emails Will Become the Only Kind to Make it Into Inboxes

If you think ISPs and filter technologies have been making the email marketer’s life difficult, get ready. Email filtering is only going to become more restrictive.

And, with prospects receiving 100+ emails per day, you need to craft emails that will bypass filters and get opened.

Your success if largely dependent on your copy.

If your copy isn’t informational, direct response copy, your prospects will unsubscribe and delete, never to return.

However, if your prospects receive value-added information with your message (remember V.I.V.A.), they will keep reading.

Emails should also be personalized – including content that’s directly relevant to prospects.

We send targeted emails to different segments depending on their past activity – for example, prospects receive a specific tailored email if they have received the direct mail piece or visited the landing page.

Lastly, your subject line is critical to your success, so test different lines to see what works best.

And remember, plain text emails win over HTML, image-based email.

Video wins over no video.

Easy first steps:

  • Apply those direct response copy principles. Have a conversation with your prospect.
  • Apply V.I.V.A. Give them something to walk away from your email with each time. That will help build up their trust, and keep them opening future emails from you.
  • Test subject lines continuously.
  • Make the most of the preheader text that is displayed in most email platforms. That’s the third line of text in the email preview, where you also see the sender and the subject line.


Trend #20: Home Pages are Dead … Long Live Microsites and Landing Pages

Smart marketers in 2020 will know that the one-size-fits-all homepage is a sales depressor. The smart trend now is a move toward microsites and landing pages.

Microsites and landing pages are individual pages geared toward specific products and have definite goals. For example, one page may seek to capture emails for further contact with the prospect, another may focus on showcasing a particular product.

Studies show homepages are stagnant billboards, whereas landing pages have measurable goals and direct your prospect to act.

Homepages are navigational nightmares, actually losing leads, sales and profits.

Put simply: homepages are anti-marketing; landing pages are direct marketing.

Easy first steps:

  • Make sure your landing page or microsite has its own URL.
  • Also, it should have no navigation options. It should direct the prospect where you want him to go and tell him exactly what action to take.
  • Take advantage of the array of possibilities at hand with microsites. If your company sells many products, each site can have tailored direct response copy that maximizes your SEO or ad words.
  • To see my video briefing on homepages versus landing pages, click here.


Trend #21: Native Ads Will Overtake Display Ads as the Ad of Choice

Native ads refer to advertorial content mixed in with non-advertorial content.

In other words, it looks like editorial, but is really marketing.

Native ads typically appear as further reading relevant to the topic of the website, so on health sites, the ads will relate to health products and on Yahoo!Finance, the ads would relate to stock picks or market trends or other financial “news.”

In 2020, expect native ads to overtake display ads as the format of choice. That’s because, unlike display ads, native ads don’t look like advertising … and they inherently offer the V.I.V.A. element that makes all the difference.

Easy first steps:

  • When creating native ads, and the landing pages or microsites that they will connect to, don’t mislead the prospect with promises of information they won’t find if they act.
  • Be genuine.
  • Be sure to follow the specifications for these ads. While these vary from one Ad Tech Platform to the next, here’s a starting guideline (copy and paste this table into a word document, print it, and hang it somewhere where you can refer to it often).
Ad Type Character Count (includes spaces)
Short Headline 25 characters
Short Body Copy 90 characters
Long Headline 90 characters
Long Body Copy 140 characters
It is vital that you stick strictly to their character counts. The Ad Tech Networks do no negotiate or care if your message is lost because the words didn’t fit into the allotted space.
  • We have spent the past decade building up relationships with the Ad Tech Networks and have a good working relationship with them. Let us help make your native ads less of a headache for you … and more rewarding. Give us a call at 615.933.4647 or email [email protected].


Trend #22: Marketing on Facebook Will Only Get Harder

Facebook (and Google) have no intention of making it easy for anyone selling a product or a service to do so on their platform. There are rules and guidelines, and they’re enforced with an iron fist.

This will only get worse, especially in a presidential election year.

But, the rewards for successfully marketing and advertising on social media platforms are still worth more than the extra effort it takes.

That’s because seniors are increasingly Facebook’s most active users.

The younger generations have shifted to other platforms, but that’s ok because the mature market remains the biggest consumer base in the U.S. Baby Boomers, while rapidly heading into retirement, still control a substantial portion of the spendable dollars out there, and their needs as they continue to age are absolutely predictable.

Easy first tests:

  • You can easily target the mature market on Facebook by using look-a-like audiences, custom lists, and more.
  • Once you’ve targeted them, serve them interesting, useful ads and videos to boost response and bring in new leads.
  • Also, partner with us so we can leverage the relationships and experience we’ve built up with this social media behemoth (and others) to maximize your visibility and return on investment on this challenging platform. You can reach us at 615.933.4647 or email [email protected].


Trend #23: Google Will NOT Be an Effective Marketing Tool in 2020 for Many

Anyone who has any product or service that might be controversial – like CBD oil, or politics, or religion, alternative health – will find that Google won’t be effective marketing tool in 2020.

The marketing world is waiting for Google to improve, but we’ve discovered is that when we provide a transactional data modeling (TDM) list to Google, our look-a-like audience improves dramatically.

Easy first tests:

  • Don’t simply default to Google marketing this year. Consider all the options available to you. Some might be more willing to run your marketing than Google.
  • We have run the gauntlet with Google for years now. We understand what it will accept and what it will block in terms of marketing. We can help save you time and money if you must advertise on Google. You can reach us at 615.933.4647 or email [email protected].


Trend #24: Amazon Advertising Will Continue to Boost Responses in 2020

Amazon advertising has become a revolutionary marketing machine, allowing all marketers to use advanced transactional data from hundreds of millions of customers and their gigantic transactional database.

We’re using its power now for clients who don’t have a product to sell on Amazon … and for those who do.

Amazon uses its powerful transactional data to serve ads to highly targeted prospects.

You can upload your custom list to Amazon or build look-a-like audiences from transactional data, and create targeted segments based on different factors like lifestyle, demographics, and product search history.

Easy first tests:


Trend #25: Instagram TV Will Make Waves in 2020

In 2020, expect Instagram to explode as a marketing tool, especially to reach prospects aged 25 – 34.

Instagram TV has revolutionized the way marketers can use this platform, allowing users or brands to post “commercials” (videos of up to one hour in length) to reach prospects and get a response.

And, as I explained in Trend #11, video is a must have this year.

Easy first steps:


Trend #26: Texting For Clients and Prospects has Become a More Powerful Direct Response Tool

In 2020, smart marketers will use text message campaigns to reach prospects and leads with their offer.

Text marketing is fast becoming part of any integrated multichannel campaign. But now you’ll see a “text response” option being increasingly used on radio, video, and TV. The great news is that 35% of all direct response TV now offers a text-ordering reply option along with a complementary URL or 1-800 number.

Easy first steps:

  • While texting is a powerful way to communicate with your prospect, there is a tricky legal landscape to navigate. Be sure to only send texts to those who have opted in to receive them, and ensure your opt out system functions correctly. We use text for clients all the time. Contact us for tips on how to do it right. You can reach us at [email protected] or 615.933.4647.
  • Make it easy for the prospect to opt out of getting texts from you. The last thing you want is to have someone on your list who can spread frustration to his social network about the annoying texts he can’t seem to get rid of.
  • Remember to use direct response copy techniques when crafting your text message. You have limited space, so use that space wisely.


Trend #27: Chatbots Could Transform Your Digital Marketing Strategy in 2020

Watch for the resurgence of chatbots this year. It’s a digital marketing strategy that allows you to engage prospects in a real-time conversation via your landing page or Facebook messenger.

Chatbots are amazing for building relationships with prospects, leads, and customers … and offer incredible customer service.

Easy first steps:


Trend #28: Boomers and Gen Xers Will Remain Your Biggest Market

As the Baby Boomers head into retirement in droves, and Generation X begins reaching their 50s, smart direct marketers are adjusting their marketing and product mix strategies to take advantage of these new opportunities.

Remember, Baby Boomers control 70% of disposable income in the U.S. And over the next 20 years, the same generation will inherit $15 trillion.

The needs of both groups are now changing as they age. Baby Boomers care about investing issues, health matters, and vacation packages.

Generation X has their eye on college tuition for their kids, downsizing mortgages and long-term financial planning.

Businesses impacted by these changes must shift their marketing strategies and find the most effective ways to reach these prospects.

For example: Baby Boomers love premiums … Generation X loves discounts.

Easy first steps:

  • Take a close look at your product mix. Are you correctly gearing your products for changing demographics?
  • Some of your products may need to be adapted to meet the new psychographic needs of Boomers or Generation X. For example, Jaguar was forced to not only change their marketing strategy, but even the look of their cars to avoid being labeled “stodgy.”
  • Read my article on marketing to seniors for more information.


Trend #29: List Rental Will Give You a Surprising New Income Stream for 2020

Niche advertising is more popular (and successful) than ever. That means that your postal mail and email lists will be in big demand by direct marketers looking for specific niches.

So, make those lists available to people to rent.

You always have approval of the pieces that are sent out, and the rental is for a one-time use only.

You don’t lose control of the list. And you’re not opening it up to possible abuse.

Putting your lists to work will be an unbeatable way to bring in revenue in 2020.

Easy first steps:

  • With this being an election year, now is the time to rent your lists. There is huge demand for names and prospects.
  • Take a look at your email and postal mail lists of actives and prospects. Then call me at 615.933.4647. Your lists could add tens of thousands of dollars to your bottom line.


Trend #30: Customer Crowdfunding Boom Ahead

Thanks to the JOBS Act (Jumpstart Our Business Startups) and crowdfunding, companies who have customer bases, can now appeal to their customers to raise funds. They don’t have to become a public corporation.

Some companies are raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for growth. Others, millions of dollars.

You can raise up to $50 million this way.


By creating direct mail and digital ads directly to your customer base, giving them details about the investment opportunity.

Easy first steps:

  • Determine if crowdfunding can help you achieve your growth goals for 2020, then contact us so we can help you get the message out to your customers. You can reach us on 615.933.4647 or email [email protected].


Trend #31: Opportunities for Raising Capital Directly From Investors Will Continue to Grow Thanks to the JOBS Act

Equity crowdfunding continues to raise more money every year as businesses harness the powerful opportunity provided by the JOBS (Jumpstart our Business Startups) Act to market their investment opportunities to non-accredited investors.

In other words, they don’t have to have met specific legal requirements, or have a minimum bank balance, to take advantage of the many investment opportunities out there.

If you’re raising capital for your business or company, you must know how to market, and how to market smart.

The first key is to market to investors the right way.

The second key is to use a multi-channel, integrated campaign to target and re-target investors with your powerful offer .

Easy first steps:

  • Check out my book, 23 Equity Crowdfunding Secrets to Raising Capital. It’s packed with under-the-radar insights you won’t find anywhere else on how to create a powerful campaign to raise massive amounts of capital for your business.
  • Click here to get a personally autographed copy for 20% off.


Trend #32: Political Marketing Will Be The Home Run in 2020

This is the Presidential Election year. That means every marketer has to be concerned about the election.


Because digital, TV, and radio costs go up dramatically because the politicians are bidding for a finite amount of time and space.

For example, “Super Tuesday” is the second week of March. That means the last week of January to the second week of March is a killer.

But it’s not just higher costs. It’s lower responses as well. That’s partially because of distraction … but also largely because of being messaging getting lost, as all media is swamped by the clutter and noise of politics.

Digital, direct mail, TV, video … it will all be overwhelmed by just too much political noise.

Here is a list of events up to June:

  • Iowa will hold the first presidential nominating contest in 2020. Its caucuses will be held February 3rd.
  • New Hampshire follows on February 11.
  • Then, Nevada on February 22.
  • South Carolina follows, on February 29.
  • March 3rd is Super Tuesday when Alabama, Colorado, Democrats Abroad, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, California and Virginia have their primaries.
  • On June 2nd, the final primaries happen in DC, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota.

Then there’s a “rest period” from July to September.

After that, you’ll see a political war with historic spending until the election.

The amount of money spent on political marketing is outrageous. In fact, a record number of donors are giving … a record amount of TV, digital, email, and direct mail is being used … and most of the campaigns are using advanced transactional data modeling (TDM).

Bernie Sanders has generated 1.8 million donors. Most organizations – non-profits, political or non-political – in their lifetime, don’t come near having one million. What he has achieved raising that much money is an outstanding success that exceeds what Obama (or anyone else) was able to raise.

Easy first steps:

  • Plan your marketing around the election.
  • Avoid the states that have the primaries.
  • And market before … and then immediately after … the November election to maximize return on investment.
  • We’ve been involved in political marketing for more than two decades. We have helped some unknown candidates win … and secured the election for well-known ones. And the thing is, all the principles we use in political marketing are equally applicable to everyday marketing. So, read this article to discover 8 advanced strategies that lead to political marketing breakthrough success.


Trend #33: In 2020, the Trump Administration Will Continue to Dramatically Reverse the Stifling Regulatory Environment the Previous Administration Imposed

During his presidency, Obama issued thousands of executive orders bypassing Congress … and hurting small businesses and job growth.

Since beginning his presidency, Trump has worked on repealing those overtly bureaucratic rules.

Expect this work to continue this year. Despite the House takeover by pro-regulation Democrats, President Trump can and will deregulate without their permission.

Because of low inflation and job growth, it’s a very tight market for any company, including those in Direct Marketing.

Salaries will increase in the coming year.

But, also, as the economy continues its historic boom, that will be good for direct marketers.

Easy first steps:

  • Watch major regulatory commissions like the FDA, the FCC, and the SEC reverse course.
  • Stay current on the government regulations that affect your industry. Every marketer has areas open to scrutiny. And all marketers should watch for movement in privacy legislation, particularly postal mailing list opt-ins in upcoming budget and tax changes.
  • Also read my book, The Deep State: 15 Surprising Dangers You Should Know. It explains the deep state bureaucrats’ war on legitimate business, and exposes some shocking realities behind the deep state.  Click here to get a personally autographed copy at 20% off.


Trend #34: Socialists in Congress Will Try to Halt the Tax Deduction of Advertising Spending

Socialist Democrats in Congress continue to try to remove the tax deductions for advertising.

They want to do so for two reasons …

First, the government can make more money if those deductions were gone. In fact, administrative officials have claimed before that the government could raise between $10 billion and $34 billion if ad expenditure deductions were done away with.

Second, the business world would replace the money for advertising with money earmarked for research and more “socially acceptable” capital expenditures.

Expect “antibusiness” advocates to raise this bill again and again.

Easy first steps:

  • Keep your eyes and ears open for any potential legislative action on this front.
  • Write your senators and representatives and express your opposition to this type of antibusiness legislation.


Trend #34 ½: Postal Costs Will Increase

The USPS is an archaic, bureaucratic agency resistant to change. And it continues to collect billions in debt every year … in fact, it lost $65.1 billion in the past decade.

In 2020, postal rates are increasing – including rate hikes of 4.1% on Priority Mail and 3.5% on Priority Mail Express. This rate increase will hurt businesses, killing jobs and commerce.

The hike is scheduled to start on January 26th.

And, considering that I don’t foresee much improvement in the USPS’s financial state of affairs this year, despite the price increases … you can expect another round of increases in January 2021.

Easy first steps:

  • Do as much of your testing and marginal mailing as you can before the price increases at the end of January.
  • And prepare your end of year schedule to get in even more testing and mailing before we see prices increase again in 2021.


2020 will be a significant year for marketing.

If you want to drive up big response and turn up huge profits, make sure to keep an eye out for these trends!

And be sure to partner with us. We’re here to help turn 2020 into your best marketing year yet … all thanks to the power of these 34  ½ trends.