Let me tell you about a new product launch I did that exceeded all expectations … and brought in millions in sales.
Marketing health supplements is viciously competitive. Standing out and differentiating one product from another is critical. My client asked me: “How can I best market my supplement? Banner ads, TV, Facebook?”
My response shocked him.
I answered him: a magalog.
Because it’s one of the most effective direct mail formats available to separate you from the competition The magalog is essentially an infomercial in print. They are full-color, glossy publications that are especially useful for getting your message to an information-hungry or skeptical audience.
As a startup, I took a multichannel approach.
But because of budget restrictions, we had to close one marketing channel before we used others.
Because we could target the audience potential better with direct mail than the other media and create a powerful impact with information to explain the new product, it was our recommended starting point. Amazing results followed. See video brief here.
The featured product was a natural prostate health supplement for men aged 50 and over.
Our marketing challenge was to overcome consumer skepticism about supplements and natural products, and to make the supplement stand out in an already crowded alternative health marketplace of similar products.
To create the magalog, my team and I focused on these objectives:
- Develop a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to elevate the product above the competition.
- Create a clear, distinctive theme that distinguished the product from other supplements, medications, and procedures.
- Utilize persuasive direct response copy and dynamic art that adhere to proven direct marketing rules.
- Include valuable offers, discounts, premiums, and testimonials from users to encourage response.
I chose the magazine-size format so the piece would stand out in the prospect’s mailbox. I wanted a doctor spokesperson. So, on the cover, renowned prostate expert Dr. Larry Doss was featured prominently to add credibility and build trust.
Next, I created “you-oriented” copy to connect with prospects and address the most common prostate health concerns. And to demonstrate why the product was a smart alternative to dangerous surgery and expensive pharmaceuticals.
Numerous testimonials and informational sidebars were placed throughout, with a value-added “diet and lifestyle” Special Report.
Finally, the call to action included a “Fast Relief Discount Certificate” (the easy-to-use order form).
I also created a compatible landing page—not the corporate website.
After the magalog hit mailboxes, the orders came pouring in. It generated thousands of new customers and millions of sales for a two-year campaign.
Other alternative health sources:
- Sun Chlorella Case Study. Click here.
- Magalog Video. Watch the video briefing where I show and explain how a magalog works. Click here.
- Health Webinar. Watch our recent webinar on how to effectively market your health product right now. Click here.
Your company can have this kind of success with magalogs, too. To learn more about this kind of response-driving direct mail approach, call me at (310) 212-5727 or email me at [email protected].