The secret to getting your direct mail letter read is the end — not the beginning.
When your prospect tears open your envelope, the first thing he or she will do is flip it over to see who signed and sent the letter.
Once they see who signed it, if you have a P.S., they will read it first. It will be the most read part of your entire letter!
Here are 4 ways to improve your letter with a P.S.:
1. Just under your signature, he or she will see — and read — your P.S. Skipping the P.S. is like taking the punch line out of a joke. It just won’t work without one.
2. Create urgency and tension to draw the prospect into the letter. Perhaps the most effective technique is to throw in a curiosity-building sentence like “Remember the surprising financial forecast I mentioned on page 2” or “Don’t make the #1 mistake I told you about in this letter.”
3. Reinforce the key theme. Your P.S. should give your prospect an idea of what you’re going to talk about in the letter. Emphasize the key theme of your letter, whether it’s based on fear, opportunity, health improvement, money-saving, etc.
4. Include a call to action. Tell your prospect why he or she must respond right now and include the phone number or URL. Make them believe that they will miss out on something if they don’t act now.
Here are some “P.S.’s” I’ve done for a few of my clients:
Monaco Rare Coins:
P.S. As you saw on page 5, even the Fed Chairman fears that will see rising inflation. Fortunately, these Saint Guadens coins are investments in your portfolio that can hedge against inflation. Call toll-free 800-997-8529 (24 hours a day, seven days a week) to shore up your defenses and to claim up to three FREE gifts valued at $50.95
Wine of the Month Club:
P.S. Join within 10 days and I’ll send you an additional bottle of wine absolutely FREE. It’s a delicious 2012 Firestone Merlot from Firestone Vineyards valued at $22.95. Mail in your invitation today, or call Toll Free 1-800-949-9463 (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST).
Need help on creating a direct mail campaign? Give us a call at 615-933-4647 or email Craig at [email protected] to discuss how we can help you