This week let’s do this backwards.
I’m going to tell you the results of a magalog cover test and then you tell me what elements you think increased response.
Remember, a magalog looks like a magazine, but it’s a sales piece (see video brief here).
Take a look at the following two magalog cover headlines for an alternative health newsletter.
One of these covers generated an unbelievable 61% more response than the other.
Cover A:
If You Are Sick and Do Not Use Phytonutrient Medicine — Your Life Will Be Cut Short By 10 Years!
Cover B:
You Can Be Personally Helped — Even Cured — From the Ravages Of Heart And Blood Vessel Disease!
Which one do you think got the higher response rate?
Results …
If you said Cover A, you’re correct. It got a 61% higher response rate.
It achieved this because it used a specific number — 10 years — to capture the attention of prospects.
Do you need help with your copy, or want to talk about direct marketing strategies? Give us a call at 615-933-4647 or email Craig at [email protected]