Should you allocate ad spending for a test for podcasting?

The answer is yes.

Your ROI should be outstanding if you do it right. We recommend it and see the results.

That’s why Henkel’s Schwarzkopf Keratin Hair Color tried it, and it paid off.

Henkel’s Schwarzkopf Keratin Hair Color products wanted to increase their profitability, as most companies do. But instead of going the traditional route, they decided to put their ad dollars into podcast advertising, one of several ad channels they used.

As I’ve written before, podcasting is a great marketing channel because of its loyal fanbase, who respond with trust and response to the “host hero.”

And because it produces better than digital, radio, or TV in almost every case.

Here’s what Henkel’s Schwarzkopf Keratin Hair Color experienced:

1) They wanted to reach the Spanish market, which is highly responsive. It’s a market that has a tremendous ROI. That’s why it’s so successful on Hispanic TV and radio– podcasting even more so.

2) They ran their podcasts on 2 of the largest Hispanic podcast shows. One was the personal finance podcast Yo Quiero Dinero, and the other was Se Reglan Dudas.

3) They did long and short-form content.

Short-form content usually doesn’t produce as well as long-form content.

But whether it’s short-form or long-form, when the host participates in personalized ads, you get a better response.

For short-form content, the host read sponsorships and pre-recorded ads targeted Hispanic women 25-54.

The long-form content was sponsored stories, including storytelling by the host within an episode of

of Se Reglan Dudas and in a fully branded episode of Yo Quiero Dinero.

In the sponsored stories hosted on Se Reglan Dudas hosts Lety Sahagun and Ashly Frangie talked about their use and discovery of the hair product.

The 4-minute-long segment explored their experiences of changing hairstyles and hair colors at various points in their lives and their power and path in finding the right products for their hair.

A branded episode of Yo Quiero Dinero called “How to Own Your Hair Journey” had host Jannese Torres invite her sister and niece to join her on air to talk about the product and how confident and beautiful it made them feel, and how it was great for every hair type.

The podcast had an 80% listen-through rate and was the 3rd most popular podcast in terms of listenership for the entire podcast.

If you are interested in podcast marketing, contact Michael by phone at 615-933-4647 or email him at