2015 could be your best year ever.
Your marketing profits will skyrocket as the economy improves and businesses gain confidence in the future.
The midterm elections change everything.
There will be no more congressional actions that could hurt the business and economy.
In fact, the entire business climate is undergoing a psychological change, and you can profit from it.
So, let’s reinvent and reevaluate your 2015 marketing plan.
What should you be doing for 2015? Here is the check list that will help enable you to make the right choices:

  1. Scientific Marketing

The foundation of your marketing program is to know your cost per lead, cost per sales and. If you’ve been around for a while, the lifetime value (LTV) of your customers.
Nothing is more fundamentally important than being able to know if your marketing is working or not.
Indeed, the whole concept of image advertising is to leave a good impression, make a person laugh, and hopefully generate sales. But it’s still only guessing.
But that’s not the purpose of direct response advertising, which is to generate leads and sales and know where it’s coming from.

  1.   Accountable Advertising 

Always test. Test media in 2015. Test copy and art in 2015. Test your offer in 2015. Test everything, everything.

  1.    Hire an outside ad agency—A Direct Response Agency, not a general/image agency.

Most marketing directors and presidents are too close to their own product or service to do it right in order to maximize sales.
We call this M2 = myopic marketing. It’s costly. It underperforms.
But do not hire a general ad agency. It won’t work.
Instead, hire a direct response agency that understands scientific and accountable advertising.

  1.     Get a 2nd opinion before you start 

If you don’t hire any agency, at least get a 2nd opinion. I can help with a critique or consultation.

  1. Try Something New

A new media—whether it be TV, direct mail, videolog…something that can supercharge your response.

  1. Join our Marketing Boot camp

Let me train and evaluate your president, staff, and marketing people. Let’s energize your team. This one or two day personalized training will help you increase your profitability and establish a clean course of action for 2015.
Next Step:
Call me at 310-212-5727 now, or email me at [email protected]. Let my direct response ad agency help you in 2015. Let’s make it your best year ever.