At least 20 states are going forward with plans to reopen on May 1st.
As more states and localities open up, and more people get back to work, your marketing must change yet again.
Your message must change.
Your media strategy must change.
Those companies who are agile enough and prepared to shift gears quickly in a highly emotive, fluid, uncertain market, are the ones who will take the lead in their industries and dominate through the recovery … and beyond.
That’s why we’re sharing with you the 7 Emergency Actions Presidents and Marketing Directors Must Take Immediately.
We’re holding this webinar for you, a loyal Direct Marketing Update subscriber, on April 30th at 1 p.m. Eastern.
Please register so we can get you the link and the Pandemic Marketing Action Guide before we start.
American history is full of stories of strong companies failing to embrace marketing change – or stopping their marketing entirely – during a recession or depression … and regretting those actions later.
Those companies that market smart and don’t cut their budget see 258% greater growth than those who cut their budgets. Those companies that ignore the market condition lose momentum and fall behind.
Those that prudently adjust their message, media, and strategy can position themselves to not only survive … but dominate their market.
Having experienced 5 recessions, we learned and tested and helped companies succeed beyond any projections by the CPAs.
Even in the Great Depression, you see this. The New Yorker looked at Kellogg and Post …
In the late 1920s, ready-to-eat cereal was a new phenomenon. So, when the Great Depression struck, there was great fear and uncertainty for players in this space. Post reined in its expenses and cut back on advertising.
But Kellogg did the opposite. It doubled its ad budget and moved aggressively into radio and advertising.
By 1933, even as the economy was bad, Kellogg’s profits had risen by almost 30%. And it remains the industry’s dominant player today.
Have you even heard of Post before I mentioned it earlier?
Countless research studies have shown, over the years, that those who charge strategically forward become market dominators.
A study in 1927 showed that companies that kept ad spending on the table or increased it during the 1921-22 recession saw their sales hold up significantly better than those who didn’t.
Another study of advertising during the 1981-82 recession found that firms that increased their advertising spend enjoyed skyrocketing sales through the recession and beyond.
But it’s got to be done right.
That’s why I urge you to NOT make the easy mistake of cutting back on your advertising and marketing during the recession (or depression) we see.
We can’t act out of fear.
Rather, be bold.
And we’ll help you.
In the webinar next Thursday, we’re going to answer questions you might have about budgeting or which media format could work better. And we’ll share all the lessons we’ve learned through 5 recessions and more than 40 years in this business.
In particular, we’re excited to show you …
- 4 little-known, powerful lessons from past recessions …
- 3 surprising scenarios for what could lie ahead in the coming months … and how to prepare for all of them …
- 7 recession proof tactics and strategies that your competition will overlook, but that will lead your company to dominate your market …
- 5 overlooked techniques to mine your database for hidden profit …
- How properly executed direct response copy can double or triple your response in the upcoming recovery: what to say and what not to …
- What every President and Marketing Director (in both the B2B and B2C space) must know about a V Curve, a U Curve, and an L Curve …
- What to change in your marketing – now …
- The dramatic crash in media cost and how to take advantage of it …
- And the little-known, yet dramatic, increase and responses to certain types of marketing offers right now.
Again, this webinar is free to you as a subscriber of Direct Marketing Update.
And yes! You can invite your associates. In fact, you can invite other companies as well. Invite anyone you think would benefit from hearing the secrets, strategies, insights, and tips.
But know this: what we will share with you during this webinar is strategies, tips, and secrets you won’t find anywhere else.
Please join us.
Call us on 615.933.4647 or email us at [email protected] to register.