Online and offline direct response copy must be relevant.
Here are several things to think about when creating your direct response copy.

  • Your prospects aren’t looking for hype…they are looking for answers to the problems that keep them up at night.
  • What are their biggest fears, frustrations, headaches, obstacles? How can you provide a solution? If you can, you are relevant.
  • What recent headlines or interesting news tie into your message? Using current news helps create a sense of relevancy.
  • Being relevant means clearly advertising benefits in a fresh way, where your Unique Selling proposition is integrated with your benefits.
  • Finally, being relevant means being personal, not impersonal. You need to relate to the reader as a person who is interested in you.

Does your copy pass the relevancy test? Is your prospect immediately deleting your emails, tossing your mail or not reading your web page? Correct it by writing relevant direct response copy.
For help writing copy that gets response, contact me at [email protected] or call me at 310-212-5727.
Note: Want to see an example of what great copy can do? See Family Life case study – How one marketing company shot sales up 800%.