I created two direct marketing envelopes for a business-to-business client. Both envelopes had the same content inside. However, each one had different teaser copy on the outside. Both envelopes had a “Special Report” enclosed to create value inside.
Test: Envelope A read “Programmer Alert” in larger red font. Underneath in a smaller black font it read, “You are in a competitive race with every programmer, not only in the U.S., but in the world. It’s time you took unfair advantage.”
Envelope B read, “How the Great 5-Year Shakeout Will Dramatically Affect Programmers” in larger red font. Underneath in a smaller black font it read, “Incredible changes are taking place in the software industry. They can make your job skills obsolete in 5 years.”
Which envelope do you think worked best?
Results: Envelope B received a 42% higher response than Envelope A.
Do you know why? I will publish your responses in next week’s issue of Direct Marketing Update.
In the meantime, if you would like a free 15-minute critique of your direct marketing campaign, please contact me at (310) 212-5727 or at [email protected].