The use of benefits should not be reserved just for body copy and bullets.
Start your ad, brochure, webpage, email or any other marketing initiative off with a bang … meaning put your biggest benefit right into the headline.
After all, your marketing materials aren’t aimed at everybody who sees them—just the prospects for your product.
So use your headline to grab your prospect’s attention immediately, so he’ll quickly understand that the message is meant for him.
Insurance direct marketers have successfully followed this advice for decades with headlines like: “Big Insurance Savings for Non-Smokers” and “The First Hospital Income Plan Specifically Designed for Older People.”
Your headline must contain a benefit and be simple, clear and direct.
Remember, in the average newspaper, your headline has to compete with 350 others. Readers travel fast through that jungle. They don’t stop to decipher the meanings of obscure headlines.
Online, you have to grab your prospect’s attention quickly, because if you don’t, he has thousands of other pages to click on.
Just remember—if your headline promises your reader something that interests him, he’ll read your ad…every time.
Let’s talk about how you can transform your advertising copy to increase response. Give me a call at (310) 212-5727 or email Caleb at [email protected].
Here are the rest of this week’s articles:
A $350 Million Buyout, Thanks to This Special Marketing Campaign
Response Rate Skyrockets, Thanks to Retromarketing
Testing Corner: Little-Known Secrets to Increasing Your Response