Those who are raising capital under the equity crowdfunding/JOBS Act will want to take a look at my new book, 23 Equity Crowdfunding Secrets to Raising Capital.

It’s a must-have guide packed with concise, actionable advice for you to create a powerful equity crowdfunding marketing campaign.

These insights are based on over 40 years of marketing to investors…1,000+ marketing campaigns….and billions in capital raised.Marketing Secrets to Equity Crowdfunding

You’ll discover:

  • 4 critical paths to reaching the investor…and raising the capital you need to jumpstart your business
  • 40+ direct response copy secrets to writing copy that gets a powerful response
  • How to use custom lists, look-a-like audiences, data modeling and more to target your “perfect prospects” – investors who will put cash into your business venture
  • 8 cutting-edge tools to use on Facebook right now to target your prospects to get incredible response
  • Why Amazon is my new favorite digital marketing strategy…and how you can use this surprising new marketing platform to reach wealthy investors…even if you don’t sell anything on Amazon
  • My #1 “secret weapon” to creating a multichannel, integrated campaign that gets a high ROI – It’s an old-school trick that may surprise you
  • 5 critical rules to creating an effective landing page for marketing to the investor
  • And more…

These are 23 secrets that you won’t find anywhere else.

If you’re interested in learning how to use time-tested, proven marketing strategies to raising capital under the revolutionary new JOBS Act…

Then you’ll want to purchase a copy of 23 Equity Crowdfunding Secrets to Raising Capital today.

Plus, for a limited time only, I’m offering autographed copies here. Click here.

Or, if you want to order a copy on Amazon, click here.

Please remember to leave a review on Amazon!


Here are the rest of this week’s articles: