4 Powerful Direct Mail “Lift Note” Tactics: The Lost Secret to Boost Your Response by 25% Profits [Video Brief]
4 Powerful Direct Mail “Lift Note” Tactics: The Lost Secret to Boost Your Response by 25% Profits [Video Brief]
4 Powerful Direct Mail “Lift Note” Tactics: The Lost Secret to Boost Your Response by 25% Profits [Video Brief]
Copy Tip: Facts or Emotions?
Marketing Confusion: What Media To Use Or Not To Use [VIDEO]
How One Box Subscription Service is Making Marketing Blunders… And What You Can Learn from Their Mistakes
Craig and Caleb Huey's FreedomFest Presentation
“Direct mail in an online world is powerful, because it works.” Techniques that separate the winners from the losers: A Powerful Envelope Create That Curiosity The Salutation What is The P.S. -What’s in the letter? -Why they need to respond [...]
What should a marketer do during the recovery period? To properly advertise and market, there are certain things you should and should not do based on our years of experience in marketing during the past five recessions. We [...]
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break the chains of retail and see your sales soar with direct-to-consumer marketing. I know because I’ve helped guide health, nutrition, and supplement companies to success and dominance through 5 recessions. None have been [...]
When I got the call from TheStreet.com, they were not sure what to do. Sales were going down. Competition was increasing. It was the middle of a recession/down market. Plus, TheStreet.com saw existing ad revenue drop when the market dropped…and that’s what happens in [...]
Your database is a gold mine for: re-orders up-sells cross-sells And if you have a database of leads, your best performing list for conversion...is your leads. I've worked with companies through 5 recessions. Here is what I've learned: Your database [...]