

Millennial Job Interview [video]

I have an ad agency. I hire millennials. Sadly, I think you’ll agree that this short, funny video is all too true for too many millennials. (if video doesn't load, try refreshing the page) A Millennial job interview from @TheDanielBrea [...]

By |2017-12-05T11:20:56-06:00December 5, 2017|Advertising & Marketing, Blog|

How to Deal with Millennials [Video]

Millennials are a different challenge for the modern-day workforce, whether in corporate America or entry-level work. I love Millennials … but why are so many terrible employees? I want to hire them, but … Here is a unique, helpful perspective [...]

By |2017-01-25T10:00:23-06:00January 25, 2017|Case Studies, Current Events|
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