Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been used on traditional websites almost since the first sites appeared.
Typically, you will find FAQs at the top of the navigation or sometimes on the bottom.
However, what you might not realize is that most FAQs violate direct marketing rules, depressing results.
Here are 3 techniques on how to successfully place FAQs on your website.

  1. FAQs should be direct response sales copy, not editorial copy. The FAQs are often used to answer the questions asked by your customers or to anticipate questions that are not covered in the sales copy. But that is not marketing, it is anti-marketing. The FAQs should only be used to help clarify common questions and help turn objections and fears into positive sales copy.
  2. A very high percentage of your buyers will actually go to the FAQs. Your FAQ tabs should be near the shopping cart and contain information that assists the copy with a focus on reinforcing the sale. Do not write technical or feature copy for your FAQs. The great thing about FAQs is that they can answer some common questions. Just make sure that they are always structured in a way to help close the deal. Cut anything that could bore or discourage a prospect.
  3. Don’t lose sight of the final goal of the FAQs. You should constantly refer your prospect or customer back to the shopping cart to continue with their purchase. You do not want to divert their attention to anything else than what’s driving them to the sale and back to the shopping cart. Let the 800-number be part of this area. Include sales reinforcement such as testimonials and star ratings.

Do your FAQs hurt or hinder your response?
When used properly, FAQs can be an extremely useful marketing tool. However, when used traditionally, they are actually counterproductive and will hurt your sales.
Evaluate your FAQs. Pretend that you are a prospect. See where they navigate. See how well they lead. Do they help or hurt the sales process?