I’m excited for our clients.
Direct mail response has just gotten a super response boost from the new Post Office Informed Delivery.
This is the new service where postal customers – potentially every household in America – get a daily email telling them what mail they are getting that day.
But now you can provide a link to a landing page or video – something relating to the mail.
For example, hundreds of thousands of prospects receiving a direct mail piece from my client Independent Living now get an email from the post office before receiving the piece.
This is what it looks like:

To the left, see an image of the magalog I created that prospects can expect to receive in the mail.
Below the magalog image, we created an image that links to our client’s landing page, shown at the left.
Here’s a close-up of the image at the bottom, which links to my client’s special landing page for this campaign.
informed delivery
Every direct marketer should be doing this.
Interested in informed delivery? Give me a call at (310)212-5727 or email Caleb at [email protected] for details.
Here are the rest of this week’s articles:
Integrated, Multichannel Marketing
Serif Type: Returning to the Web
Two Surprising Blockchain Trends in E-Commerce