How can you prevent email list fatigue to leads and customers? The key is this little-known, but powerful strategy …
Condition your readers to see each of your communications as giving them value:
- Increasing their bottom line
- Making life more enjoyable
- Satisfying an immediate need
Here are the top 4 ways to combat email list fatigue:
1. Provide worthy content
What’s on your reader’s mind? Hook into news headlines and fresh information with compelling writing. If your copy includes current data and references, you’ll consistently see an increase in response.
Look at this email my agency created for an investment client – a JOBS Act project raising private capital.
The email is informational. It has great content for the target audience and accelerates investment.
2. Decrease the hype and provide value
Hype doesn’t always provide prospects with information that’s valuable. Instead, aim to be clear and specific with your messaging.
For example, “Bed, Bath & Beyond” goes beyond a good offer … it provides easy-to-understand product information. Promotions are good; so are white papers, product announcements that satisfy a need, and how-to’s that serve the customer.
3. Use a consistent FROM: Name and email address
People buy from people they like and people they trust. Test subject lines, but keep your FROM line consistent – it will help build relationship and trust.
4. Supercharge your subjects!
Your subject line can be garbage or gold. Cute, dull, and bland don’t work. Be intriguing, make a promise, create curiosity. Write 10 to 20 subject lines for each email before choosing the best one—and test 2 or 3.
Subject lines do make a difference. In the email example above, we tried:
Subject Line A: [BREAKING] New mobile app profit opportunity
Subject Line B: Revolutionary new mobile app poised to soar
Subject Line A got 9% more clicks!
Need help finding and executing ways not to get lost in the clutter? Call me at (310) 212-5727 or email Caleb at [email protected] for a FREE, no obligation audit of your email campaign. My team and I can help create the right messaging and offer to drive results sky-high this winter.
Here are the rest of this week’s articles:
Warning: Not Responding to New Customers is Death to Your Future Sales
Copy Tip: Build SPECIFICS into your headlines and subheads
Testing Corner: Picking the Right Price Can Dramatically Boost Your Sales