These are the videos of 2019 you had to watch.
These are the ones that were the most controversial.
They got the most comments or forwards.
You don’t want to miss this!
10. Avoid These 10 Deal Killers at all Costs [Video]
9. Direct Mail Breakthrough: The Newsalog (Video)
8. The Renaissance Man Podcast Interview
7. Copy Tip: 6 Powerful Direct Response Copy Formulas
6. Avoid the Deadly Marketing Blunder: Corporate Website vs. Landing Page
5. Copywriter: The Power of Believing (Video)
4. Why a Magalog can Dramatically Boost Your Response Sales and Profit [Video Brief]
3. One Thing I Forgot to Tell You About: Videologs
2. Why Retargeting is a Game Changer [Video]
1. Skyrocketing Tax Rates, Socialism, and Small Businesses Watch My Fax News Interview [Video]
Happy New Year!
Let me know what you think at [email protected].