When crafting your direct response copy, you always want your copy to be dynamic, exciting and alive. One of the best ways to do this is with active, descriptive verbs.
Take a look at the following two sentences. Which do you think brings more vibrancy?
The chief engineer made the statement…
The chief engineer stated…
As I’m sure you guessed; the second sentence is more vibrant. It’s active and clean. Take a look at the next two sentences. Which stands out more?
The baseball player took action.
The baseball player acted.
Again, the difference is clear. The first sentence is grammatically correct, but it doesn’t have the clear, direct zing of the second sentence.
Direct response copy rules hinge on avoiding this highly important blunder: Never, ever be boring.
Active, descriptive verbs guide your prospect quickly through the copy. They make copy quick and sharp. By the time your prospects reach your offer, they should be energized by the copy and motivated to act. Active verbs help you do that.
Here are some more stagnant nouns and adjectives – and their active verb counterparts:
Stagnant: participant, convergent, compliant, satisfaction, rationalization
Active: participate, converge, complied, satisfied, rationalize
Take a look at your direct response copy. Are you turning your verbs into nouns and adjectives and using suffixes like –ion and –ent? Or can you take them and turn them into active, descriptive verbs?
If you need help crafting great direct response copy, call me at (310) 212-5727 or email me at [email protected]. I can help you put together fantastic copy that gets results.