How can you increase direct mail response by 25-50%?

Teaser copy.

Teaser copy is the copy on the outside envelope of your direct mail piece.

I’ve tested multiple outside copy versions for Humana, for example – because I want to see which one produces the highest response.

Outside envelope teaser copy will quickly grab your audience more powerfully than a personalized envelope without outside copy will.

That is why you see so many savvy marketers using teaser copy for their direct mail campaigns.

Upper management in your company may dislike the idea of any teaser copy. And agencies avoid it. But prospects and clients respond to teaser copy.


Two critical things about teaser copy:

First, teaser copy must complement your message. It sets the stage for your lead or sale.

Second, teaser copy must tease and compel the prospect to open and read the message – it must spark curiosity, have drama, catch attention, and more…

The only purpose of the teaser copy: to have your prospect or client rip open the envelope.

I’ve tested over 7,000 teaser copy approaches. And it’s a key to making direct mail work.

When and how to make teasers work for you:

One little-known way to increase response is to put the teaser copy not just on the front, but on the back of the envelope as well.

In fact, large corporations who have done this successfully have seen it increase response by 5% to 25% over only having copy on the front of the envelope.

This is typically a tactic used for consumer mail, though I’ve also had success with business-to-business segments.

An example of successful teaser copy…

I used teaser copy on the front and back of the envelope in a campaign I created for an investment newsletter client.

On the front of the envelope, I had a red “stamp” that read “FREE INVESTOR’S ALERT ENCLOSED” with a quote that read “This bargain stock could bring your profits of 50% within the next 6 months – 1,000% over the next 3 years!”

On the back of the envelope, I created 3 teaser bullets that said, “Secrets that can help make you a millionaire.”

By putting the teaser on both sides, prospects were instantly intrigued to see what the offer was and how they could learn more about the product. It psychologically set up the sale.

It increased response.

I have made envelope teaser copy work for dozens of my clients. If you would like me to create teaser copy that will increase your direct mail response, give us a call at 615-933-4647 or email [email protected]