If you are using direct mail now or might use it as the recovery takes place, here are four things you should know:

#1: Less competition and higher responses. Because of retail closures and work at home, direct mail “clutter” is down dramatically. Fewer mail means less competition for your prospect’s attention.

And for almost all products and services a higher response.

#2: Direct mail retargeting – sending direct mail to the prospect visiting your landing page or website is growing in popularity during this historic recession.

#3: For business to business marketers, send direct mail to the home address. It always gets higher response – especially now. Marketing Business to Business? Need addresses? Call Jeremiah at 615-814-6633.

#4: Informed delivery is where over 30 million consumers get an email showing them what is coming in their mailbox. It gets a 60- 90% open rate.

Additionally, a mailer gets a free digital ad next to their direct mail image in the email. It gets a 6% to 8% clickthrough rate – powerful.

#5: Mail Problems … I mentioned in a past issue not to mail into New York, Connecticut or New Jersey because of the pandemic.

Mail is now mostly back to normal. The only delays we are seeing now are Detroit and New Orleans.

Need help with your post pandemic direct mail lists, and copy and art to make sure it is the best for today?

Need help in printing, managing response analysis or improving mail with other channels?

We can help. Call Caleb at (615) 490-8823 or email him at [email protected].