Handwriting in a direct mail piece is the ultimate personalization.
And handwriting of direct mail has been around for a long time.
It usually increases response…sometimes dramatically.
And now the technology has come along making it possible for practically any marketer to economically use handwriting in a direct mail campaign.
This is how I have used handwriting for various clients:
- On the envelope
- On a lift note on the envelope
- On a lift note on the letter inside
- Handwriting on a letter itself
And of course, there are other varieties. See images below.
If you’re marketing to your database that you have a relationship with, the response rate is better than cold mail.
But even if the prospects who don’t know who you are, the response rates can be much higher than traditional direct mail.
For a high end audience, B to B and a conversion series handwriting should be tested.
Here are some examples:
Interested in doing a campaign with high quality handwritten personalization? Then, call me at 310-212-5727 or email me at [email protected].