A common copy blunder is avoiding the uncomfortable.
It’s related to our direct response copy rule: preemptive advertising.
And it’s especially self-evident in lead generation conversion campaigns.
After you generate a lead, then what?
You close the sale. It seems like obvious advice, but I’ve seen so many marketers who forget this simple rule by avoiding the uncomfortable.
Many marketers make this terrible marketing blunder on the follow-up, and they act as if they’re trying to generate leads all over again.
They do this because they forget a key copy rule for closing a sale: overcome objections.
One of the major reasons the copy in a follow-up kit, conversion series, or sales-conversion video is different from prospecting copy is that when you’re trying to convince somebody to make a buying decision, you need to answer their objections and questions powerfully. You need preemptive copy to win the sales.
Not answering their questions will lead to a breakdown in generating sales. It’s marketing death.
All questions in a prospect’s mind need to be addressed. Salesmen know this in face-to-face meetings. You must be honest with your prospect by confronting these hard questions at the right time. This, in turn, increases your response, trust, and profits.
You need to be able to anticipate all possible questions that could slow down or destroy the sale.
You must also answer the most difficult questions they may not even ask you.
For example, one of my clients sells money management services. Here are his client’s secret questions that are never asked: “Am I ever going to do see my money again?” “Are you honest?” “Will you steal it?” “Will you be a Bernie Madoff?” “Will you lose my money?”
A powerful follow-up kit and conversion series will answer these questions, especially since they’re burning in the back of the prospect’s mind.
It’s simple: Answered questions lead to increased sales.
Remember that your sales presentation needs to use direct response copy and follow the direct response rules for successful tactics and strategies.
Part of your success is going to be because you confronted the discomfort with direct response sales copy.
If you would like me to review your presentation and give you a free critique, I would be glad to do so. Convincing a prospect is hard for an organization. You’re too close to see the weakness. But that is why my copy team is trained to do so. Call us at 615-933-4647 or email Michael at [email protected] to discuss how we can help you.
Need a list of “direct response copy rules”?
In my book, The New Multichannel, Integrated Marketing: 29 Trends for Creating a Multichannel, Integrated Campaign to Boost Your Profits Now, I reveal everything you need to know now about creating a profitable, accountable marketing campaign using today’s cutting-edge strategies.
Get an autographed copy for 20% off today!
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Our team has launched and scaled products, generated leads, and built powerhouse e-commerce programs that have helped turn small businesses into multimillion-dollar success stories and grown large companies.
Our formula is data-driven, accountable advertising that supercharges your growth. Every campaign is crafted precisely, focusing on what matters most to drive your success.
Let’s discuss how CDMG can make a difference.
Contact Michael Oppenheimer at 615-933-4647 or email him at [email protected]
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