On average 7.5 out of 10 people abandon shopping carts. Likewise, based on our readers’ response, their results seem to fall within that range.
How do you stop this hemorrhage? How do you increase your orders or leads and decrease the number of people leaving the shopping cart page?
The most obvious reason for shopping cart abandonment goes back to the way shopping carts were constructed 10 years ago. It’s changing now, but back then, order forms were a very complicated process.
Still today, many marketers have 3, 4, 5, 6, or as many as 10 different sections or pages for taking a customer’s order over the web.
Your shopping cart should have no more than two steps, one if possible.
Break a multi-step into simple steps. If you’re not careful, shopping carts can turn into a “tombstone page.”
A tombstone page loses leads and sales.
Your shopping cart should have a positive acceptance statement (PAS) plus …
If you’re selling a product, you must clearly show your guarantee near the credit card confirmation.
And … you must show your premiums.
Otherwise, people will change their mind, back out, and abandon the shopping cart.
Remember how I told you that 7.5 out of 10 people abandon their shopping carts?
We’ve seen increases of 300% to 400% for clients who have followed our direct response rule of using only a 1 to 3-part order form on the shopping cart page.
Almost every shopping cart my staff and I are creating has 1 to 2 click and that’s it! The more clicks, the more drop-offs.
Put yourself in your prospects’ shoes and take yourself through your order-taking process. Does it feel good, or is it overwhelming?
I can help you get your shopping cart to a few clicks … making sales faster than ever. Give me a call at (310) 212-5727 or email me at [email protected].