Illustrative video causes prospects to convert on high-dollar item

Marketing Challenge

CDMG’s launch of AromaSpa to a national audience helped increase sales 100% over previous efforts.

CDMG’s launch of AromaSpa to a national audience helped increase sales 100% over previous efforts.

Variel Health International® wanted to introduce their new AromaSpa portable aromatic steam capsule to a national audience. However, this unusual B2C aroma therapy spa posed a number of tough marketing difficulties.
First, the product was virtually unheard of. Second, would consumers balk at the unique medical benefits of this alternative immunity booster and body detoxifier?
Finally, AromaSpa was a large-ticket item with units starting at $1,000—an expensive proposition for most consumers. How could this luxury product be made to stand out and purchased by middle-income and affluent households?
Craig Huey and his team of direct response professionals tackled the first step: Creating targeted lists of leads captured through a variety of marketing efforts.
Next, CDMG conceptualized and dropped a dynamic,response-generating direct mail sales letter and product brochure that would drive recipients to purchase this luxury item.
However, what was different about this direct marketing project, was that prospects also received an in-depth video presentation delivered straight to their mailbox. To motivate recipients to buy, Creative Direct

Marketing Group strategized these goals:

The 14-minute video Highlighted the AromaSpa’s dramatic health properties using in-depth testimonials.

The 14-minute video Highlighted the AromaSpa’s dramatic health properties using in-depth testimonials.

1.  Overcome consumer skepticism of a product’s debut into the marketplace by focusing on its proven, testimonial-laden benefits and technologically easy-to-use features.
2.  Create a dynamic direct mail package and “infomercial” video. The two-step process would result in qualifying only serious leads, then handholding the prospect all the way through the sale.
3.  Use moving images and illustrative story telling to reveal the full story of the product; one that’s educational, demonstrative and interesting.

Creative Solution

First, CDMG created a follow-up letter with a trustworthy feel perfected by holistic medical expert Dr. Andrew Weil’s photo and product testimonial. Included was a product shot of Illustrative video causes prospects to convert on
high-dollar item his best-selling book, Alternative Medicine, just one of the free gifts offered with an early-bird spa purchase.
Next, prospects received a first-class mailed gift box, bursting with tangible information pieces that provided an in-depth, relaxing experience for each recipient. CDMG created the package in an elegant purple; every element was scientifically crafted with the words and pictures that together captured the differing interests and needs of the audience.
The 14-minute video Full Steam Ahead to Good Health—written and directed by Craig Huey—featured customer testimonials filmed in a variety of indoor and outdoor settings while enjoying the health benefits and healing properties of AromaSpa. Specifically, a female was shown on camera for the installation scene, proving the claim that the 5’6”, 68-pound unit is both portable and plug-n-play.

“If you find it difficult to sell an expensive, luxury or one-of-a-kind item, a direct marketing video presentation may be the solution you’re looking for.”

To overcome even the highest skepticism, a 16-page, fact-filled Special Report contained the creative concept that pulled readers along the buying slope: Ancient healing secrets and modern medical research behind this health breakthrough.
An AromaSpa Fact Sheet contained FAQs, and all the information a prospect needed to make an order. It included the $100 Special Savings Certificate as a Special Bonus.
Finally, the package was completed with direct response essentials: Medical expert testimonials, customer testimonials including those using AromaSpa for reasons like better health, better athletic enhancement, better respiratory performance and many more; a prepaid reply envelope; 100% in-home trial money-back guarantee; Toll-Free order and Help line; a free Euro-Spa Deluxe Accessory Package and of course, Dr. Weil’s free book.


A winning product and winning campaign are irresistible to an interested audience. CDMG, Inc. helped increase in-home sales of the AromaSpa 100% over previous efforts. The product continues to be a best seller. It has been featured on the Oraph Winfrey Show, Home & Garden TV, The Price Is Right and numerous morning TV shows around the country.
Done correctly, using video as part of an integrated direct mail campaign creates a sense of familiarity and comfort, while overcoming unconscious skepticism through story telling—our most natural and receptive way to communicate. Moving images are a “show and tell” that reveals a product’s complete story.
But using video to sell high-end product need not cost you a lot of money. Call Craig Huey and his team of advertising professionals at Creative Direct Marketing Group at 310-212-5727 for a free video consultation that could solve your
marketing dilemma.