Launching a new online product can be fun and profitable, or a heartbreaking experience.
But there is a little-known secret to minimizing your risk and maximizing your gains.
The secret: follow the proven direct marketing rules.
I got a call from wanting help to launch new premium products through an investment newsletter service.
I recommended launching the newsletters based on’s most popular columnists with a powerful long format landing page, email, and banner ads.
The creative strategy was to focus on the brilliance of the individual newsletter writer/expert and the expert’s analyzing and stock picking technique.
Success stories were highlighted early and often, and the reader was given a sense that they would be led almost be the hand through the investment strategy.
A dramatic different from the overwhelming number of other web promotions was that these promotions followed the direct marketing rules.
That means long copy, testimonials, examples, and case histories, lots of benefits, and a strong offer
The key to successful and profitable launches was the direct response copy and art rules that should never  be broken.
The results “blew away” the client’s expectations, exceeding projections by over 350%.
Call me at (310) 212-5727 or email me at [email protected], and I will show you how we can help increase your response and your profits.