If you run a website for your business, you probably hear a lot of conflicting information about what will drive traffic to your website. One of the most effective ways to increase visits to your website or landing page is to have great SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
That means that when people search for a topic or keyword related to your business, your website will turn up in the highest ranks of search results.
There are a lot of myths about what will make your website search engine-optimized.
That being said, you need to know what to incorporate into your site: the critical keys that you should pay special attention to—and what you can forget about.
Here are 4 common website lies and misconceptions:

Lie #1: Keyword tags, meta titles and meta descriptions are irrelevant.

There’s a rumor floating around that you don’t need to include keyword tags or meta information.
Don’t listen.
Websites that do not have this information typically rank lower than websites that do.
Make sure your focus keyword for any post or page is in the first paragraph of your copy, in a H-tag subheader, in the title of your post or page and in your meta description.

Lie #2: Link building doesn’t matter.

Link building is still a critical key to driving traffic to your site.
When other sites and pages link to your site, it attracts attention…and more visitors.
Plus, link building improves your SEO.

Lie #3: Small marketing budgets can have just as much impact on large marketing budgets.

This lie is easy to spot—just consider Amazon’s massive marketing budget, and how often you see their product ads.
A bigger budget means far more opportunities to advertise, greater reach and greater response.
Budget does matter… it will earn you more website visitors and ultimately, more profits.

Lie #4: The best links come from .edu, .gov and news websites.

There’s a misconception that links from these types of websites carry more weight because these websites “have more authority.”
In reality, .edu and .gov websites are often poorly optimized…and rank low on search engines.
And news media websites are constantly turning over content, so links from these sites won’t have much longevity.
Google, which is the most powerful and most-used search engine, updates and changes its algorithms continually. They also “get smarter” – in the past, it was possible to “trick” search engines by keyword stuffing, for example.
But now, it’s critical to stay updated and keyed into best practices for SEO…and best practices to optimize your website or landing page to increase traffic and drive up sales.
If you would like to discuss your website or landing page, give me a call at (310)212-5727, or email Caleb at [email protected].
Here are the rest of this week’s articles: