The next time you sit down to write your sales copy, remember that an excellent way to appeal to your prospects is by addressing how your product or service will boost their self-image and self-respect.
Some ways of doing this are:

  • Finance – Any ad can say “You’ll make money.” Your ad must show how your prospect stands to gain financially. Give your prospect a sense of the journey toward financial happiness and you’ll make the sale.
  • Love and respect – Human beings have an instinctive need to be loved and respected. Show your prospect how using your product or service will make others look upon them with respect, admiration and trust.
  • Self-improvement – Can your product or service help your prospect create a better life? Show him or her now. Again, don’t just paint the picture of a better life, explain how your product or service is going to do it.

These are just three of the approaches you can take. Other ideas could be improving your prospects’ view of themselves at work; building a secure life and home; raising healthy, productive children and so-on.
Remember that human psychology and emotion are critical to any effective ad. Take a look at your current marketing materials. Are they addressing the basic human need for self-improvement and self-respect?
If your copy or campaign isn’t reaching your prospects, give me a call at (310) 212-5727 or email Caleb at [email protected]. Tell me little about your product or service and let’s talk about how we can help you reach your sales goals in the next 6 months.
Here are the rest of this week’s articles: