It’s a new year – time for new marketing and advertising resolutions.

It’s the ideal time to review your current marketing and advertising approach – and eliminate or change anything that doesn’t work.

It’s also the ideal time to commit yourself to implementing new strategies and tactics to improve your response …and boost your sales.

Here are 7 strategic marketing resolutions to implement for 2019:


  1. More accurate targeting and retargeting.

In 2019, make sure that you do a better job of targeting, whether that be on TV, direct mail, Facebook, pre-rolls or Google advertising. You may be missing out on key strategies you can use – such as advanced data modeling – to more accurately target your “perfect prospects.”

And, if you are not already retargeting leads with strategic ads, emails and other follow-up pieces, now is the time to start this response-boosting tactic.

Give us a call at (310)212-5727 to learn how you can significantly lift your response to a higher level.


  1. Try an innovative new direct mail format.

Now is the time to try a new direct mail format. There’s been a resurgence in direct mail … and in direct mail response. Marketers are discovering direct mail is getting better and better response and experiencing more rapid growth.

What format should you use? I typically recommend a different format depending on your product or service, and audience. You may want to use a magalog, a newsalog, a bookalog or another form of marketing that cuts through the clutter and gets a high response. Email caleb at [email protected] for more details.


  1. Use an integrated, multichannel marketing approach.

Test this approach by sending a set of coordinated marketing assets (including direct mail, emails, Facebok, Google and pre-roll) all to the same names. My guess is that your response will skyrocket.

In 2019, you can’t afford to not do multichannel, integrated marketing. If you’d like to learn more about this high-response approach to reaching your perfect prospects, check out this article.


  1. Run pre-roll videos to spike your response.

If you don’t already have a video, 2019 is the year to create one to help boost your response, capture new leads and increase your profits.

Create a powerful, direct-response video (learn how here) to use as a pre-roll commercial. Pre-rolls are the short videos you see before you watch a video on YouTube. They typically receive great response.

And, you can use your video on your landing page, in digital ads and more to maximize response.


  1. Use transactional data modeling for look-a-like audiences.

Transactional data modeling takes tens of thousands of transactional data points to create models of your “perfect prospect.” This powerful strategy can be applied to look-a-like audiences on both Facebook and Google to further expand your prospect universe.

Call me at (310)212-5727 to learn how you can implement this powerful strategy in 2019.


  1. Implement at least 10 of the 37 trends for 2019 I sent you.

If you missed our article on “37 Surprising Trends and Forecasts in Advertising and Marketing for 2019,” you can read it here.

I recommend that you aim to implement at least 10 of these trends to stay on top of what’s working in marketing now …. And to maximize your response.


  1. Get a free critique of your marketing copy – direct response copy is essential for success. 

Your copy is critical to your success. You may be making major copy blunders, and not even know it. Successful direct response copy will maximize your effectiveness and boost your response rate.

To get a free critique of your copy, give me a call at (310)212-5727. I’ll tell you what you should change in order to get a better response to all of your marketing materials.


The beginning of the new year is the ideal time to make significant changes in your marketing approach. By doing so, you could transform your marketing in 2019…and see your business and profits grow like never before.

Here are the rest of this week’s articles:

Direct Mail: SurfControl – Two Proven Strategies to Generate Leads (video)

5 Powerful Keys to Supercharging Response from Investors

The 10 Most-Viewed Ads on YouTube for 2018: What Worked and What Didn’t (video)

Make Infomercials Work For You: 12 Strategies to Use Now