Change. Are you prepared for what’s ahead?
In this fast-changing economic and marketing environment, do you have a vision for your marketing and advertising?
Are you positioned to take advantage of powerful new market trends?
Are you doing what you need to supercharge your marketing and position yourself to dominate your market?
Caleb and I addressed these and other key issues recently in our talk, “Marketing and Advertising in a Post-Pandemic Economy” – you can listen to the audio here.
The room was filled with over 100 presidents and marketing directors listening to this fast-paced, actionable talk discovering the newest trends and strategies.
- Reinventing your market
- A clear explanation of the new integrated multichannel marketing
- Why Transactional Data Model (TDM) is so revolutionary
- Digital ad marketing – New digital ad opportunities with Google and Facebook
- All about the latest direct mail resurgence
- Powerful new test results to help you avoid common blunders
- Geo fencing with a profitable twist
- The hottest new tactics including Strategic App Marketing (SAM)
- Powerful new copy secrets to supercharge your marketing results
Enjoy it.
Share the test results. Use this as a 2nd option or roadmap to future profits and growth.
To hear the free presentation, click here.
After you listen, tell me what you think, if you have any questions, or need help I have plenty of these ideas.
Email me at [email protected] or call me at 615.814.6633