As a marketer, it’s important to understand your prospects by anticipating their needs, objections, and apprehensions.
In a time of rising prices and uncertainty, your prospect or customer may cut back on a new purchase. This is especially the case if they are unfamiliar with you.
Often, when a prospect sees a new product, they are thinking of a reason NOT to buy it.
Your challenge is to discern their objections to your product and counteract them.
Picture your prospects comparing your product or service with your competitor’s, and identify what differences would make them want to buy from you.
Picture your prospect thinking they can live without your products… or postpone buying it.
Also, figure out what negatives they may have.
Once identified, you’re ready to write what we call preemptive copy. That’s copy that answers your customers’ questions and combats their objections.
First, start by listing their negatives and then come up with positive responses to counter them.
For example…
- I’ve never heard of your company.
- Counterpoint: The new leader in laser technology.
- It costs too much.
- Counterpoint: For a few dollars more, you’ll have superior quality that you can’t find anywhere else.
- Maybe someone else has a better alternative.
- Counterpoint: Only one company brings you industrial-grade quality and 24-hour customer service.
Key point: If you craft copy that addresses your prospects’ objections, you’ll gain credibility and instantly position yourself as an authority on meeting their specific needs.
If you need help or have any questions, email me at [email protected].