Make sure your prospects are getting the message you intend to send
Misunderstandings happen. Sometimes you say one thing, and the other person hears something completely different.
While situations like this may lead to some funny TV sitcom plots, it’s completely disastrous if it happens in your advertising campaign.
Sometimes, the message your prospect is receiving is the exact opposite of the message you intended to send.
Here’s one quick example—the trust issue:
You want your prospects to trust you. After all, you run a stand-up business and sell a quality product, and you want to differentiate yourself from other less reputable businesses.
And so in your sales copy, you tell your prospects that they can trust you.
Here’s the problem: Your prospects aren’t going to trust you just because you tell them to.
You actually have to earn that trust.
And when you say to your prospect, “You can trust me,” without backing that up with certifiable proof, you sound exactly like the con men you’re trying to distance yourself from.
Instead, focus on the real benefits of your product.
Focus on proving your claims, and focus on getting real, hard-hitting testimonials. If you can do all that, you’ll win their trust—and their business.
Want to make sure you’re sending the right message? Email [email protected] or give us a call at (615) 933-4647, and I’ll be happy to give your advertising a look.
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CDMG is more than an ad agency
Let us be your second opinion
CDMG’s award-winning team, run by marketing veterans Craig and Caleb Huey, is dedicated to improving your advertising, marketing, branding, and bottom line with a proven approach that maximizes response rates and ROI.
With expertise in media, data, digital, and creative strategy, we’ve earned over 120 prestigious awards, in 2024 alone.
Our team has launched new products… and helped reposition companies to a higher level. Our strategies and tactics have generated leads, and built powerhouse e-commerce programs that have helped turn small businesses into multimillion dollar success stories and grown large companies.
Our formula is data driven, accountable advertising that supercharges your growth. Every campaign is crafted precisely, focusing on what matters most to drive your success.
Let’s discuss your marketing challenges and give you a second opinion.
Contact Michael Oppenheimer at 615-933-4647 or email him at [email protected].
Start transforming your marketing results today with CDMG, Inc.