Did you know that you can triple your sales with a powerful direct response strategy? This happened using a special 4 part strategy.
Let me explain…
Coffey Anderson is a singer, songwriter and musician with an upcoming album. He wanted to get the news to his fans, but his fan email list was almost 2 years old.
Coffey came to me wanting a new marketing campaign, so that he could pre-sell CDs before the official launch.
4 Part Strategy:
            After evaluating Coffey Anderson’s current situation, we determined that creating a
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fresh email approach would reactivate an old list and build interest in a new  website–which ultimately would result in presales of his new CD, Coffey Anderson, and generate new leads and sales.
            Strategy #1-Digital newsletter. We wrote and developed a template for future email/digital newsletters. This content marketing approach creates sales, builds relationships and brings in new leads. It follows out V.I.V.A. A system developed over the last 20 years: Valuable Information Value Added. This is not hard sales or persuasive content sales.
Strategy #2-Email conversion series.  Use a series of emails to activate old names and motivate new names to buy. Each letter had a relational theme and defined specific offers tied to the Unique Selling Proposition (USP).

  1. An email was launched and timed to the pre-release of the CD, which included direct response copy, graphics and an offer to enhance response.
  2. The emails linked to music clips as well as the new benefits of the website.
  3. The emails also included intrinsic value with links to digital samples of music from the new CD, clips from Coffey’s newest video and a free download of a new track.
  4. This provided pass along value to expand the email’s reach to family, friends and others.

Strategy #3-Redesign the Website.  To create the sales, we had to redesign the website into a powerful marketing tool without sacrificing the brand image.  By using direct response copy, art and strategy, we blended it with a proposed branding/positioning style and geared the website for an audience 18-35 year old.  We created a powerful USP, theme, simple navigation and SEO.
The website incorporated an edgy, artistic look without sacrificing essential direct response design principles.
This included a strong call to action to pre-buy Coffey’s new CD before its official release date.
Strategy #4Leverage his performances with advanced mobile strategy. Coffey was going to be an opening act at a concert with over 15,000 attending to see the popular Christian artist Chris Tomlin. We created and set up a special landing page to
1.) collect email addresses and 2.) collect cell phone numbers for future marketing.
We instructed Coffey to play a song, put a number to text on the screen at the end, then told everyone to hold up their cells and text the number for a free download of the song. It was a very Merry Christmas.
So what were the results?
Because of these efforts, response exceeded response expectations by 360% in his CD sales, reactivating his email list into a powerful profit center.
Why? Because we followed proven direct response principles and strategies.
Let me take a look at your campaign. Click here to see our past success stories. Let’s see if we can dramatically increase your results. Give me a call at 310-212-5727 or email me at [email protected]