When it comes to email marketing, here’s my golden rule: If at first you don’t succeed…test, test again.
Let’s go back a few years to a test that can give us guidance today.
Just after the federal government announced a $700 billion bailout, I created an email campaign for a Switzerland-based publisher provider of financial services.
We tested two subject lines for an email about the current economic crisis. Take a look:
Test A
Crisis unfolds: Carter-era inflation on the way
Test B
Bailout nightmare: Your wealth is in jeopardy
Which subject line enticed the greatest number of people to open it? My response analysis showed that Test A’s opening rate was 45.1% higher than Test B.
Why do you think Test A beat Test B? Share in the comments below.
If you’d like to discuss testing and your marketing strategy give me a call at (310) 212-5727 or email Caleb at [email protected].
Here are the rest of this week’s articles:
12 Little-Known Keys to Powerfully Boost Response and Profits on Amazon
29 New and Surprising Trends for Marketing Products and Services in 2018- FREE Webinar on Thursday
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

Little-known Marketing Secret to Drastically Increase Response
Copy Tip: The 5 U’s for Compelling Copy